Secret To Becoming Powerful #gym

1 year ago

Power in the way it's expressed on the pitch!

Sprinting, Jumping, Throwing, Kicking...all require acceleration throughout the whole movement.

Naturally, many of the power/strength exercises that are commonly chosen - do not allow for acceleration through the end range.

Intent is key for power, intent is reduced if we have to control in that end range.

Loaded and unloaded jumps, throws, bounds, etc... are a fantastic way to continue training acceleration through these end ranges.

We can also start adjusting out strength exercises with accommodating resistance to apply a similar principle:

Squats/Bench with bands/chains to increase the resistance at the top end of the movement

They key is we continue producing force throughout the entire movement, replicating sporting scenarios.

You are missing out if you DO NOT incorporate any of these.

#gym #rugby #athlete #strengthandconditioning #coach #workout #training #caradocconditioning #preseason #power

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