Don't fear mysteries of UFOs, but rather fear the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven Matt. 13:11!

1 year ago

Men need not be concerned about the mysteries of UFOs, but rather, we should be concerned about the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven Matt. 13:11!

Only Satan, with the help of other demons, spirits of dead evil men, could have a 1700-year-old plan on how to steal peace, bring insanity and enslave all men to kick against the pricks Acts 26:14 as did Saul, in going to war against the Lord Jesus Christ. If you have ears to hear, you can almost hear the Lord asking you why you are denying His authority as the only mediator between God and man. Your answer, like Saul's, is that you are doing so in all good conscience Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30.

The second fall of man began in about 340 AD when men did not love the ways of God and gave up one faith, from God, Christianity, and the God-breathed Bible 2 Thess. 2:1-11. These last days or end times are the last days or end times where for 43 years of spiritual warfare, the Lord restores the God-breathed Bible Dan. 12:4; Rev. 5:1ff; 22:18; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15, as foreshadowed by Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem.

Satan has been ruling over the kingdoms of men with the subjective truth and pseudo-science bibles of men, and humanity has been suffering without the Bible and Christianity since 340 AD. Christ warned us that we would have to patiently endure the suffering under Satan's rule until the first and now the second coming of the ways of the Lord.

Satan, the man of sin, the second horseman of the apocalypse, the antichrist, began stealing our peace and sanity by pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-4, a messenger of light 2 Cor. 11:14 anyone or anything (fallen angel, lizard person, an expert on UFOs, an alien from the far side of the moon, etc.) to convince us that Christ does not have all authority and there are many faiths and gospels and belief systems that can save us. Satan, the antichrist, denies that Christ was God in the flesh and denies that Christ has all authority. He tells us that we can preach as good as, or better than Christ. He convinces us that men's subjective truth bibles and religions are as good if not better than the one true faith Bible of Christianity completed and delivered once and for all time to the saints in 70AD that brought first century Christians into the first age of the Kingdon Judas 3.
Satan promises the moral standards of men will bring glory, power, and salvation, Matt. 4:8-9, but he is the father of liars 2 Thess. 2:4. Evil men still alive and unrepentant who still deny that Christ has all authority in 43 years Rev. 18:4; Matt. 7:21ff. will be burned up by the destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10 or space weather on the great and terrible day of the Lord. This time it will not be like a flood in Noah's day, but it will be by fire Acts. 2:17-21; Rev. 8; 2 Pet. 3.

For Satan to rule over the kingdoms of men, the Lord gave him, power, to convince us that He is God. The reason Job was questioning the Lord, was because he thought Satan was the Lord. We can't preach like God, or give to the world religions, or Bibles of men, it is how Satan planned on destroying us. Men who believe we are righteous judges like Christ need to consider it is not in man to guide his paths Jer. 10:23, and the 40 questions that the Lord asked Job in Job 38. The Lord told us that we would have to patiently endure the suffering of Satan's rule over the kingdoms of men until; the first and now the second revelation, apocalypse, appearing or coming of all the ways of God on the great and terrible day of the Lord Job; Isa. 55:8ff; 64:4; Eph. 3:20; James 5:7-11; Rom 5:13; Acts 17:30. When the restoration of the Bible is complete in 43 years, in about 2066 AD. Rev. 5:1ff; 22:18 and Christ resumes His reign over His Kingdom.
Peace on earth and the wedding feast, on earth, and in heaven, will resume for the last 720 years of Christianity and man on earth. After death the last enemy is destroyed, the kingdom will be turned over to the Father, and there will be a great wedding in heaven.

The Lord is now granting to those of us who have ears to hear the wisdom from above in these last days or end times of Satan's rule James 1:5. Satan is identified as the man of sin. 2 Thess. 3:4; Rom. 5:12-21. Spiritual warfare is defined as being between the wisdom from above and the wisdom from below. Christ was the first causality 1 Cor. 2:6-16; James 3:15. We know that Christ is back, no longer hiding His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible. He is wielding from heaven the Sword of the Spirit against the mega

Sword of Satan Rev. 6:4 in these last days, end times, or 43 years of fighting the good fight of faith while Christ's prophecy is restoring the Bible Rev. 5:1ff; 22:18ff. Satan one last time will be cast from this earth John 12:30-32, as wicked men still living will be burned up as the world is destroyed by the destroyer or space weather Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21; Rev. 8; 2 Pet. 3as Christ resumes His reign in the second age of the kingdom, and those counted as faithful, both living on earth and the dead in heaven attend the great wedding feast for the last 720 years of Christianity in the kingdom of Heaven with peace on earth.

The UFO news is a distraction by demons, the spirits of dead evil men, with the help of wicked rulers of this world, to distract humanity from the fact that there will be peace on earth in 43 years or after the last days or end times of the religions of men.

My job as the watchman over the second coming of the ways of the Lord is to have a copy of the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible restoration project ready for you to start contending for the faith as soon as you have ears to hear that Christ has all authority.

To see how that Spiritual warfare between the pseudo-science of men and space weather from God has begun, consider

Contact me if you want to have a meeting via Skype or locally in person on where we go from here to save our communities from this perverse generation.
For copies of the Sword of the Spirit, the 43-year Bible restoration project

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