Felipe Efrain vs Yuki Motoya - Full Fight

1 year ago

Both fighters are orthodox fighters. Motoya starts with a couple of low kicks, and a left hook that is way off. A low kick that connects by Motoya is followed up by Efrain throwing a jumping left round house. The fighters exchange punches before another jumping kick from Efrain. They exchange a series of kicks and punches, with Motoya the aggressor. They clinch and Motoya start throwing knees to Efrain’s body.They clinch again and Efrain tries to hip throw Motoya but is not successful. Motoya has both arms firmly wrapped around Efrain’s waist and takes him down. He controls Efrain and mounts him close to the ropes.
Efrain, in the half guard, tries to escape but Motoya controls him well. Efrain is able to stand but Motoya takes him back down again straight away. Efrain gets to all fours and Motoya takes his back and goes for the sleeper submission. He is able to roll Efrain over onto his back and goes for the sleeper again. Efrain rolls back over to all fours with Motoya’s coach screaming “go for his arm”, which Motoya momentarily tries.Efrain shows some good strength, standing up from all fours with Motoya on his back.
With Efrain now standing straight up, Motoya has piggy backed him and is going for another sleeper. Efrain moves to the corner as Motoya starts striking, still on Efrain’s back. Motoya has been the aggressor in this fight and continues a flurry of punches to Efrain’s face, still riding his back. Efrain finally gets him off his back but Motoya takes him back down to the ground.
Efrain has barely had any offense and Motoya lands a knee to Efrain’s face. Efrain escapes to the ropes, clinging onto them for dear life! The referee doesn’t stop the fight and both fighters clinch and trade positions back in forth. Efrain finally lands something, a right hook and then a middle right kick to Motoya’s ribs but he slips in the process. He gets up straight away.
Efrain throws a right uppercut and THEN OUT OF NOWHERE hits Motoya with a massive left hook that sends Motoya reeling to the canvas. He stands over a fallen Motoya and throws a barrage of punches, and the referee has no choice but to stop the fight.
(fight to be ruled no-contest due to Efrain missing weight)

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