Jehanne d'Arc and St Michel: The Pattern Of Sainthood Through Anointment And Merkaba Development

1 year ago

Episode 184 Talks about the true back story of Joan of Arc and her chief spirit guide, Archangel Mikhael, as an illustration of how this ties in to the latest version of the laws of reincarnation and Karma. What was she to God and Michael, and how her DNA and spiritual descendants earned a variety of godhoods - light and dark - with the gifts she graced them with. Sorry for the abrupt end - I ran out of disk space. I'll finish the story in the next podcast and tie up to loose ends of the prophecy and it's tie to reuniting all the chosen peoples of the final chosen species. Happy Karma!

Note: This is a replacement for the one that YouTube chopped down to 4 seconds for some reason.

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