(1989) Bill Cooper: The Secret Government MJ12 Greada Treaty- The CIA & the Alien Presence

1 year ago

A Bill Cooper 1989 lecture
In the documents that Bill saw when he was a Naval Intelligence Officer that President Dwight Eisenhower commissioned a group called the JASON Scholars which was a secret society of scholars which was to get at the root and the real truth about the ALIEN question. There are more saucers and live aliens recovered than you are even aware of. There are 2 UFO crashes that are so important that the Government will go to any length to stop you from finding out. These 2 crashes happened near the town of Aztec New Mexico. In 1947 Project Blue Book was created to put out disinformation about UFO's. During these years the US Air Force & the CIA retained complete control over the ALIEN SECRET. The US Air force was later dropped as it had no political power and could not over come the power of the Army & the Navy. In fact the CIA was formed by a presidential EXECUTIVE ORDER first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the ALIEN PRESENCE.

The National Security Council (NSC) was established to over see the Intelligence Community and especially the ALIEN endeavor. The National Security Council was the forerunner of MJ12. A series of National Security Council MEMOS and EXECUTIVE ORDERS removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly legalized direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad. The CIA was to run a psychological operation on the American people to hide the presence of UFO's and ALIENS. The CIA was set up to answer to NO ONE! They needed a BUFFER between their activities and the President so he could have plausible deniability and say he does not know about it.

The Secretary of Defense James Forrestal began to object to the UFO/Alien secrecy. He was a very religious and idealistic man who believed that the public should be told. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and the Congress about the ALIEN problem he was asked to resign by President Truman. James Forrestal expressed his fears to many people that he was being watched and his life was threatened. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as PARANOIA. They had NO KNOWLEDGE of what was really going on. James Forrestal was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and he was committed to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland against his WILL. They feared he would talk again if he was not isolated. Sometime in the morning of May 22nd 1949 Agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck and tied it to a fixture in his room and threw him out of the window where he plummeted to his death and became the first victim of the cover-up. The live Alien that had been taken by the 1947 (Not 1949) Roswell crash was called EB which was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EB had a tendency to LIE. In the 2nd year of captivity EB opened up and told some startling revelations where they started the YELLOW BOOK.

They kept the Aliens in a FARADY SHIELDED environment because they have a tendency to disappear right through WALLS! So if you can prevent the transmission Electromagnetic energy you can stop them from doing disappearing through walls.

The primary task of the NSA is alien communication along with other projects. President Truman had kept their allies including the Soviet Union informed on the developments of the Alien problem since the Roswell recovery (1947). This was done just in case the Aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race and the rest of the world. To hide the secret from governments and the Media of all these countries they formed an outside group to take care of it which became known as the Bilderbergers headquartered out of Geneva Switzerland. The Bilderberg is a secret group that now controls everything.

In President Dwight Eisenhower's first year as president in 1953 they recovered at least 10 more crashed discs along with 26 dead alien bodies and 4 living Aliens but all 4 died within 4 days later. President Eisenhower turn to his friend and fellow Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Nelson Rockefeller for help with the Alien Problem. The idea for MJ12 was then born. Asking Rockefeller for help was President Eisenhower's biggest mistake for the USA and all of humanity. Eisenhower abdicated the presidency to a secret group. Nelson Rockefeller was tasked with reorganizing the government. The government used binary code to contact the aliens where they made the first landing and face to face contact with alien beings. A race of human looking aliens contacted the US Government to warn them about the Aliens at the equator and they would help in spiritual development with the one condition they get rid of all nuclear weapons. The US Government could not trust giving up their nukes.

In 1954 an alien treaty was made. They said their planet was dying and at some future time would have to leave it at some unknown time in the future. They scheduled President Eisenhower for somewhere else to fool the Media and he went somewhere else to meet up with these Aliens for their 2nd landing where they signed The Greada treaty between the USA and this Alien race. An alien ambassador named Krlll then called Original Hostage Krlll or O.H. Krlll. This 2nd landing in 1954 was filmed.

The Greada treaty stated that neither would interfere in each others affairs and that the US would keep the Alien presence a secret and the Aliens would help us in our technological development. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination but would have to put them back without any memory of this happening and all abductees names would have to be given to MJ12. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien Nation and 2 bases would be used for the joint use with the Alien Nation and the US Government. Those 2 bases are DULCE and S4 at area 51 (Dreamland).

Bill says the 1976 Spielberg movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND is based on a true event that did take place. A top secret base was built at Groom Lake (area 51) CODENAME: DREAMLAND. All personal required a Q-Clearance and executive (MJ12) approval. The President does not have clearance to visit the site. The S4 location was nicknamed the DARK SIDE OF THE MOON. The US Army was tasked to form a super secret organization to provide security for all alien projects which was the DELTA teams. Project SNOWBIRD was a debunking operation on the public (A very intense ridicule and denial campaign) where they got the public not to believe in UFOs and aliens. People stopped reporting what they saw. A US Fund$ helped develop 75 DEEP UNDERGROUND facilities or DUMBS DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES for the Aliens.

46:39-46:50 the sound goes off.

President Lyndon Johnson dipped into the Presidential Military Sites Fund$$ for his own personal using it for his ranch and other things. 75 sites throughout the USA. MJ12. MJ12 was made up of 12 men who were Nelson Rockefeller, CIA Director Allen Dulles, John Dulles, Secretary of Defense Charles E Wilson, Chairman of the Joint Chief of staff Admiral Arthur Radford, FBI Director J Edgar Hoover, & 6 other men from the Council on Foreign relations also known as THE WISE MEN. These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves the JASON SOCIETY who recruited their members from the SKULL & BONES of YALE University and the SCROLL & KEYS of HARVARD University and that was stated verbatim from OPERATION MAJORITY. They come from the Council on Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission with Zbigniew Brzezinski among them. Averell Harriman was an influential member of MJ12. The Trilateral Commission's symbol comes from the Alien symbol they made the treaty with.

By 1955 it became obvious that the aliens deceived President Eisenhower and had broken the Greada treaty where mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals. They were being found all across the USA. The Soviet Union was interacting with these aliens as well and the aliens were manipulating masses of people through Secret Societies, the Occult, and religion.

Nelson Rockefeller built a retreat in Maryland that could only be reached by air and built a facility for a study group so they could meet away from public scrutiny known as the country club. Henry Kissinger was part of that study group and in 1957 he wrote "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign policy" published for the Council on Foreign Relations. Bill says this paper was already 80% written while Henry Kissinger was at Harvard University. The seriousness Henry Kissinger attached to this study can be found by statements from his family and friends where they said Henry would leave home early and arrive home late at night and not speak or respond to anyone where it was like he was in another world that held no room for anyone else. Bill says the revelation about the Aliens must have been a great shock to Henry Kissinger. People said his personality changed which led to his divorce. The public could not be told about the Alien Presence as they believe this would lead to an economic collapse and religious collapse which would lead to anarchy. The Congress could not be told and they knew they would have to get funding$$ from outside the US Government.

Bill says without Aliens you can not make sense of anything that has been happening for the past 44 years. You put the Aliens in the middle of all this stuff and you have the ANSWERS to every single one of them! In the meantime the Aliens were using humans & Animals for a source of glandular secretions, Enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood, and horrible genetic experiments. The Aliens explained these actions as necessary for their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated where they were no longer able to reproduce and their race would soon cease to exist (If they didn't consume humans and animal blood).

The aliens said they created us through HYBRIDIZATION and had manipulated the human race through Religion, Satanism, Witchcraft, Magic, secret societies, etc... they further explained they were capable of TIME TRAVEL and the event would indeed come to pass (Fatima prophecy of 1917). A secret Executive Order by Eisenhower tasked the JASON society to study this scenario and make recommendations of action with ALTERNATIVES 1, 2, & 3. Alternative 2 to build a vast network of underground Tunnels where a select few would go underground where the rest of humanity on the surface would have to fend for themselves. Depopulation.

A RAND Corporation reported in 1959 they could bore a 45 foot hole in diameter underground at a rate of 5 feet per hour! The ruling powers decide one means of funding$ the Alien black projects was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached about this drug running idea and his name was George HW Bush. George HW Bush agreed and worked with the CIA. The CIA now (1989) controls all the worlds ILLEGAL DRUG MARKETS. With JFK wanting to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade they created NASA and those in charged used the vast amount of FUNDING$$ for black operations and concealed the real space program from the American people. A similar program in the Soviet Union served the same purpose. In fact a JOINT ALIEN United States and Soviet Union base had already existed on the moon at the very moment that JFK announced it at the beginning of his first term. Bill says there already is (1989) a colony that exists on the Planet Mars and that it is a USA/Russian Alien facility.

The fake COLD WAR between the USA & the Soviet Union was used to FUND$$ PROJECTS. At some point President John Kennedy discovered the truth about the DRUGS & the ALIENS and he issued an ultimatum in 1963 that he wanted them to clean up the drug problem and he told MJ12 that he would inform the American people the following year (1964) about Aliens. President Kennedy's decision put FEAR into these people and his assassination was ordered by the POLICY COMMITTEE and the order was carried out by agents of MJ12. The Warren Commission was a farce made up of the Council on Foreign Relations members and hid the truth from the America people successfully. Many other patriots who have attempted to reveal the ALIEN SECRET have also been murdered throughout the intervening years.

During the era of the initial US Space exploration and moon landings, every launch was accompanied by Alien Craft. A moon base was sighted and photographed by the Astronauts along with small alien crafts appear in the photograph. The Space program is a farce and waste of money. Alternative 3 is a reality and not all science fiction. The astronauts were ordered to remain silent with what they saw or suffer the extreme penalty of death. The secret meetings are on submarines under the polar ice caps where it can not be bugged. British TV expose on ALTERATIVE 3 back in the 1970's.

Since our interaction with these aliens we have come into technology beyond our wildest dreams.

In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the human scientists and the Aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The Aliens took many of our scientists hostage. DELTA Forces were sent in to free them. 66 of our people were killed during this action. They withdrew from all joint actions for 2 years before a reconciliation took place and we began to interact.

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