'Anderson Cooper vs 'Sandy Hook Truthers' - NewSpeak, CT SHOOTING - PoliceStateRadio' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 26, 2013

"~TYT & Anderson Cooper vs 'Sandy Hook Truthers': http://whynotnews.eu/?p=2122 ~Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: http://whynotnews.eu/?p=2143 ~credits video-edit: http://youtube.com/PoliceStateRadio - "Well it turns out that the man who is peddling this conspiracy theory is a tenured professor at Florida State University. Here's his name and picture." The way Anderson Cooper said that, I swear he was broadcasting an not so veiled threat. perhaps with the hope that a mob of his enraged viewers would storm Professor James Tracey's house, since CNN also took the trouble to show the Nutty Professor's house This blatant piece of INSOC psycho babble is very reminiscent of the witch hunt which followed immediately after 9 11. "Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists". You see this is the perfect psyop to drive through the tax payers heads, once again. That if you don't want to be a pariah at the office or perhaps if your a scientist or a professor at a university well then you don't want to be fired either. OH, and good luck finding another job in your field, if you do speak out. Not too many actually believe the Brain Drain Media's fairy tails anymore, it's just that most people know to keep their mouths shut. lest they pay the price.



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~infopowerment truthers network~
-new kind of unity against tyranny-


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33 http://youtube.com/UfoDisclosure2012
34 http://youtube.com/Women4Truth

~responsible people think4themselves


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