1 year ago

Mother, Erin Friday, details her success of how she saved her daughter from transgenderism, which is contrasted with Chloe Cole’s story of how she had transition surgery to try and change her from female to male.

Erin Friday’s daughter was introduced to gender identity ideology in a comprehensive sex-ed class in seventh grade. “The seed was planted after that class,” Friday says. “And in fact, all of her friends, there were five, sat in my front yard saying what their new labels were.” 

Friday says she was “alarmed by the language that they were using, including 'pansexual,' which is not a term that 11-year-olds should know.” 

The mother began looking into what her daughter was learning in school and was struck by the fact that other adults were not also questioning the teaching of gender ideology to middle schoolers.When her daughter said she was "transgender," Friday began taking decisive steps to rescue her from transgenderism. She took her daughter's phone, put her in a new school, and tried her best to surround the preteen with the truth about who she was as a female.

It was not easy, but Friday says, as a parent, “you have to be strong enough, your love for your child has to be strong enough, to take their vitriol.” After about a year and a half, Friday’s daughter stopped claiming a transgender identity.

Today, through the work of the parental support group Our Duty, Friday is helping other families navigate through gender identity ideology. Friday joins the show today to share her story, and to explain how parents can protect their children from the harms of gender identity ideology. 

What I've Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy
Anime, social media, and an older teen girl all played a role in my once girly daughter's abrupt announcement that she was now transgender.

Contrasted with Erin’s story, is Chloe Cole, who was celebrated by the transgender community after she decided she was born in the wrong body and had her healthy breasts surgically removed at age 15. During the post-operation process, Chloe began to regret her decision and had to come to terms with the irreversible damage done to her as a minor. She began speaking out against the very people who once celebrated her—and was met with vitriol and hate. Now, she dedicates her life to spreading awareness about the dangerous gender-affirming path society is barreling down.

“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; all things have become new.”
2Corinth 5:17

#Transgenderism, transgender, transitioning, Chloe Cole story, erin Friday interview, Chloe Cole interview, LBGTQ, gay, lesbian, surgery, support group, fighting transgender illusion

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