Man Shows Off His 40-Year-Old Dreadlocks

8 years ago

A curious video has emerged of a Rastaman, casually walking down the street and unwrapping his 40-year-old spaghetti-like dreads, much to onlookers’ amazement! This video shows a hippie Rastaman showing off his long Rapunzel-like hair and it is unbelievable!

Footage shows the man starting to unwrap his bun-like hair from the top of his head, struggling to untangle the messy dreadlocks to show his pride to the rest of the village. This hair fanatic hasn’t cut his hair in forty years, and you can tell by looking at his locks. As he unwinds his long hair, we see that the hair in the bottom is brown and as it progresses up to the scalp, it gets greyer and greyer. He must have started growing his hair since his teenage years. Impressive!

We cannot help but wonder how much his hair weighs and how long does it take him to wash and dry it. He better watch for all those 'hair fetish' individuals out there who might cut a chunk off his pile of dreadlocks when he is not looking. He must be cautious because you never know!

Rastafari is an Abrahamic religion, classified as both a religious and social movement developed in Jamaica during the 1930s. There is no centralized authority of the action, and there is heterogeneity among practitioners, who are known as Rastafari or Rastaman. Rastafarians have unique codes of behavior and dress, including the wearing of dreadlocks and the smoking of cannabis, and they follow a diet that excludes pork, shellfish, and milk.

Devotees of the Jamaican based Rastafarian religion wear dreadlocks as a component of their profound convictions. Rastafarians utilize the direction not to trim one's hair in Leviticus 21:5 as the reason for wearing dreadlocks. Likewise, they see dreadlocks as taking after a lion's mane, a reference to the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the title of Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, whom they see as God in bodily form.

Rastafari movement locks are symbolic of the Lion of Judah which is sometimes centered on the Ethiopian flag. Rastafari holds that Haile Selassie is a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, through their son Menelik I. Their dreadlocks were inspired by the Nazarites of the Bible.
At the point when reggae music picked up influence and standard acceptance during the 1970s thanks to Bob Marley's music and social impact, the locks (frequently called "dreads") turned into a striking design articulation around the world; they have been worn by famous producers, artists, athletes, and rappers.

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