How To Handle Crazy Customers:

1 year ago

Customers are absolutely crazy. The first persona, a Lawn Chair Larry. At the end of the day, Lawn Chair Larry just really wants to feel important. The best way to deal with Lawn Chair Larry, is to simply reinforce his desire to get a quality project done and let him know that if anything comes up to give you a buzz.

One of my least favorite customers is the Nervous Nelly. Kill nervous Nelly with kindness to ease it over.

Number three Delusional Dan. There's really not an easy way to deal with this when they generally believe that you messed up their home. My best advice for you is to document the condition of the house before the project, including photos of the driveway for any cracks or oil stains.

Number four. Pissed Peggy is the one that calls not with questions, not with concerns, but just downright angry. With these folks, I have found the one thing to ease them. You just gotta use logic and help them to understand the situation as it is.

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