A Very Dangerous Indictment for America’s Future

1 year ago

The Deep State’s political witch hunt of former President Donald Trump continues as Special Counsel Jack Smith has hit Trump with ANOTHER federal indictment. This latest indictment includes four charges related to actions leading up to January 6 and to actions on that chaotic day.
As reported by the New York Times:
“Former President Donald J. Trump was indicted on Tuesday in connection with his widespread efforts to overturn the 2020 election following a sprawling federal investigation into his attempts to cling to power after losing the presidency.
The indictment, filed by the special counsel Jack Smith in Federal District Court in Washington, accuses Mr. Trump of three conspiracies: one to defraud the United States; a second to obstruct an official government proceeding, the certification of the Electoral College vote; and a third to deprive people of a civil right, the right to have their votes counted. Mr. Trump was also charged with a fourth count of obstructing or attempting to obstruct an official proceeding.
‘Each of these conspiracies — which built on the widespread mistrust the defendant was creating through pervasive and destabilizing lies about election fraud — targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election,’ the indictment said.”
Apparently, free speech is now a crime. Trump’s ardent belief that the election was stolen – whether you agree with him or not – is his opinion. Are we going to prosecute people for having different political opinions?
We’re already seeing this as the Biden Deep State is silencing the voice of whistleblowers like FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle. He’s experienced the unconstitutional wrath of the Biden FBI because he spoke the truth. He testified before Congress: “The FBI will crush you. This government will crush you and your family if you try to expose the truth about things that they are doing that are wrong.” Exercising the First Amendment right to free speech should never result in being targeted by the U.S. government. And we’re defending him on appeal.
Criminalizing opposing viewpoints is an incredibly dangerous precedent and should send chills down the spine of every American. Renowned lawyer – and famous liberal – Alan Dershowitz echoed this sentiment and defended the First Amendment rights of President Donald Trump, as he joined Sekulow today:
“I don’t make a distinction between left and right when it comes to free speech. . . . There is no such thing under the First Amendment as a false opinion. . . . You know Trump, and I know Trump, and we both know he believes [the election was stolen.] I think he was wrong. I think he was dead wrong. . . . I voted against him twice. I demand my constitutional right to vote against him a third time. And I don’t want any bureaucrat or prosecutor to deny me the right to vote against him or you the right to vote for him.”
If the most famous liberal lawyer in America even recognizes the sheer insanity of Trump’s First Amendment rights being criminalized, then just how radical are these charges? ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, proclaimed that Trump is being criminally charged for his thoughts and beliefs, which “is the most serious challenge I’ve seen to free speech. Certainly, in our lifetime.”
Dershowitz also made the argument that politicians make claims all the time that if they’re elected, then it will be beneficial for the country. Should a politician be put in jail if they secretly believe otherwise or have doubts about their abilities? With this indictment, according to Dershowitz: “We’re getting into the realm of psychoanalysis, not the realm of law, and certainly not the realm of the First Amendment. This is a dangerous, dangerous case.”

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