Braverman’s Bibby Stockholm is as useless as she is.

1 year ago

Braverman's asylum seeker barge the Bibby Stockholm, has been described as a potential death trap and floating Grenfell.
Right, so what can possibly go wrong with deciding to hire a 47 year old boat that had been left to fester, at a cost of £6m to the public purse, that we then also had to pay to refit, but refit it so it can take twice as many people as it’s original use was intended for? Welcome to the Bibby Stockholm again folks, the prison barge now moored off the Dorset Coast, that now looks as though it’ll never be fit for purpose, that was intended to hold 222 people, now set to house according to government documentation 506. Sardines isn’t quite the word is it? Think about it, this barge gets retrofitted to have more people to fit on it, but you can’t physically make the barge bigger to accommodate more space for said people. The corridors will be the same size, the communal areas will be the same size, the rooms and doorways are the same size, they’ve just fitted bunks into single rooms and the like. Functionally when the thing was dry docked in Falmouth it was a tidying up job, a patch up and a cram as many people in as we can mission. Now it’s cropped up in Dorset and the shortcomings from a plain and simple safety perspective have been exposed as the health and safety inspectorate and fire service are finding nothing but problems and without their approval, their sign off, people cannot be sent there and that’s a bit of a problem for Braverman and Co, when letters to the first 40 inmates have already been sent out, telling them they’re going to the Bibby Stockholm, which have all now had to be delayed. They literally have tried to put people on that barge without it having passed it’s final checks. £6m a day this is costing us. As I mentioned in another video, the saving being made by transferring all these people to this boat from hotels amounts to just £5,000 a day, which when compared to that daily bill, is nothing and therefore any delays, any at all, and it had already had to stay in Falmouth longer than intended such was the level of works involved, that this thing can only now be costing the public purse more money, we can’t possibly be saving any and any further delays are just aggravating that all the more. The reasons for the delays are sound and the fact they may well be unfixable were borne out when Tory sacrificial lamb Ric Holden got sent out to explain to Sky News about the delays, saying the barge was going through final checks to make sure it was safe, but couldn’t put a timeframe on how long that’ll be. Potentially this thing therefore has been one gigantic money pit. So what are the problems then Damo?


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Damo Rants Kernow Damo braverman,suella braverman,home secretary suella braverman,rishi sunak,politics,home secretary,sunak,suella,suella braverman refugees,kernow damo,damo,damo rants,kernowdamo,braverman asylum seekers,bibby stockholm,braverman bibby stockholm,bibby stockholm barge,bibby stockholm vessel,asylum seekers,bibby stockholm safety,bibby stockholm risk assessment,fire risk assessment,risk assessment,bibby stockholm floating grenfell,bibby stockholm potential deathtrap

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