Gesara Nesara - The history of "present time".- 2001. 2007. 2008.

1 year ago

As everyone seems to talk about it and has many questions that come with it - I started digging in my old documents and found this. As it needed sharing its another Stella Justintime Production. Considering I have no idea how to do videos I am getting along pretty good. So. Prepare yourself. It is worse, than you think, then we have already been talking about Nesara in the 90s. So all this discussion about "where are the redemption centers" - I ask myself in between all this if it will happen at all. As human consciousness is still at a toddler level.....things can take time. Good things take time. So. Be patient and use your time while doing that to educate yourself. This is something we always have to do ourselves. Find out what is what. If you want to contact me you can.

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