PEACE News & Views Ep 85 with guest Gurd Hayes

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PEACE News & Views Ep 85 with guest Gurd Hayes

Siir Steveo & Kim Cooper are joined by grassroots advocate and Calgary Cannabis Club President Gurd Hayes.The club is taking part in a grassroots event called Puff Puff Pass this weekend

Puff Puff Pass takes place in Edmonton Alberta August 4th, 5th & 6th. A camping weekend event will include music, vendors, food & more!
The Calgary Cannabis Club is on the planning committee for the Puff Puff Pass Camping Event taking place this weekend in Edmonton Alberta. The club has a 30ft booth at the event and they plan on hotboxing it twice daily throughout the event weekend.

Gurd is also the Owner/Operator of Haze Bros compassion club as well as the President of the Calgary Cannabis Club and Host of High AF Happy Hour. Gurd has been a natural health advocate since about 2010, starting with Cannabis and moving to psychedelics. It all began with attending hash mob rallies in Toronto then starting Haze bros and the CCC in 2016 after moving to Calgary. Gurds current Focus is promoting the healing benefits of psilocybin, but he will never stop advocating for cannabis. You can find Gurd Hayes pushing the boundaries and engaging in "Civil Disobedience" wherever he can, to effect change in societal views on natural therapy.

Join Siir SteveO and Kim Cooper tonight on PEACE News & Views as they discuss the CCC, Hayes Bros, & the Puff Puff Pass event taking place this weekend in Alberta, only on NOK Network

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