#OpSingleGateway: Anonymous DDOS Attacks Makes Thai Junta Nervous

8 years ago

Anonymous Operation Single Gateway, an operation against Thai Junta also known as Single Internet Gateway, a Military government project which filters all foreign Internet data and spy on people, according to the Thai F5 Cyber Army soldier, AnonThailand.

Read the full story: http://lions.ws/2lWkwoM
or, Anonymous Attacks Thai Government Sites #OpSingleGateway

Twitter: @AnonThailand
DDOS Target list: https://goo.gl/rshCt3
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OpSingleGateway/
Facebook for DDOS technics: https://www.facebook.com/AnonThaiNewsV2/
Facebook Thailand F5 Cyber Army against Single Gateway: https://www.facebook.com/ThailandF5CyberArmy
Anonymous Facebook for Thai people: https://www.facebook.com/PeopleCyberTh/

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