Living in the Divine Will with Heaven's Harbinger

1 year ago

Living in the Divine Will with Heaven's Harbinger

In this episode, Heaven's Harbinger introduces his new plan and direction for his content/ministry, shares about Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the "Gift of the Divine Will", and much more! You won't want to miss it. Moving forward, the crux of his content will consist of the Divine Will and the messages of Jesus to Luisa. Why? Because it is the greatest gift that we have been given -- especially in these tumultuous times. There are many problems and crises today (obviously)...the answer to those problems? Living in the Divine Will of God.

We all have an important part to play in hastening the coming of God's Kingdom of the Divine Will "on earth as it is in Heaven". What is that "part to play"? Knowing, living, and sharing the Divine Will with as many souls as possible. The Our Father prayer -- the greatest prayer ever told -- is coming to fruition, and YOU are to help it do so. This is just the beginning.

Join "Heaven's Harbinger" -- one of our contributors -- in proclaiming the coming of Christ's Kingdom each Sunday at 9am EST here on Mother and Refuge of the End Times.

Your Calls-to-Action:
1.) Use the resources I gave you, and learn about the movement.
2.) Pray the simple prayer that I shared with you multiple times a day. Print it out and distribute with as many souls as possible.
3.) Stay tuned for more info and resources on the Divine Will. (Also, PLEASE pray for me as I try to get everything created and ready for you.)

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