TheDimNews LIVE: Alex's Anniversaire Affair 2023 (Birthday Celebration)!

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


h8yourst8 Supporter 🥩 🕯️

TunedToKey Ribeye supremacy

h8yourst8 Supporter ever have chimichurri with a ribeye?

TunedToKey That is my brother's favorite

JQuickDraw Supporter I really don't need much else if it's a nice big steak.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ 🐠...............🍣

RonGreen1 It's green chile cheeseburger Wednesday. And key lime pie. Go green.

TunedToKey I tried to get them on time

JQuickDraw Supporter key lime pie, sounds good

AlexofAllTrades Moderator That sounds delicious, RonGreen1

JQuickDraw Supporter It's only 5 after, not really late in Beverly Units

TunedToKey Love green chili as my dad is from NM

RonGreen1 It tastes even better than it sounds.😋

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ It's only 9 after...

JQuickDraw Supporter Just saw it today, RFK is polling ahead of both Biden and Trump

RonGreen1 "I did not have sexual relations with Hunter." - Joe Biden

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, that's not true. Brian Stelter said the news outlets don't care about ratings or money. That's good enough for me.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ On a scale of the amount of hair, if I joined this stream, I would be higher than Alex, but less than Caleb. So I would be a 1.5 on this stream's hair scale.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Blood Pride

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump hurts himself because he can't ever say mea culpa. He won't stop bragging about the vaccine. And he talks now like he wasn't already in office. "Just elect me and I'll drain the swamp." Huh?

h8yourst8 Supporter wtf. even i've gotten free drinks at a bar

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Well, my birthday is St. Patrick's Day. So, drinking on my birthday. Ugh. How gouache.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ @JQ, well, to be honest, think of all of the personalities are gone. Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, the entire top echelon of the FBI.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Where I think he mainly failed is that Milley and those top military officers are still in power.

JQuickDraw Supporter I've gone to the government site to pay a parking ticket, and the site is down until the morning. ???? Like a brick-n-mortar store lol WTF?
beerscb x

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ y

RonGreen1 Health insurance? Why die healthy.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Being healthy is simply the slowest method of death.
beerscb Life is about preparing for death
beerscb Get ready!

JQuickDraw Supporter @ChicagoFaucet There was a lot to complain about with Captain Warpspeed. His appointments (Bolton? Christ), Assange, not stopping his predecessor's unconstitutional wars...

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yep. All of that is true. I don't disparage him for Warp Speed. He was everyone's president, so he had to do that. It's just that everyone ran away with it calling it a fool-proof vaccine...

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Of all of the people he brought around himself, he could really only trust his own family. But, not pardoning Assange? That was disappointing.

h8yourst8 Supporter if you keep talking about trump callinguy will show up

RonGreen1 What if you smoke, but don't inhale?

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Let's say his name three times and see if he appears. Callinguy.

h8yourst8 Supporter that's 2

CorianaRae What tongue thing fr ?

JQuickDraw Supporter @h8yourst8 I'm counting on it

h8yourst8 Supporter no way i could give up lemon

JQuickDraw Supporter He didn't have to do Warp Speed. He strong armed the agencies to circumvent the established science and essentially handed a loaded shotgun to his enemies.

CorianaRae *puts on disguise* 🥸

CorianaRae Free drink ? Say less

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly's Motto - Geese & Guns Forever

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Funny D&D meme. Stream-friendly:

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+

RonGreen1 Balisongs are awesome. Try two at a time.

RonGreen1 I used to have a Spyderco butterfly pen that I would flip all day.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Fun Fact: It's the Romans who are credited with inventing the folding pocketknife.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ When a girl walks into the room during RPGing, that's when I whip out my Shirt of Charisma +2.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ With girls walking into rooms where RPG games are being played, I have noticed lately, almost like a reverse-psychology, the other gamers purposely do not look - almost to prove how long someone...

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ ...can ignore the new girl in the room.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Bev, maybe your local pizza guy is just lonely, and just wants someone to call him.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ "The Other Guys" was one of the most underrated comedies ever.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Will Ferrell's character ended up accidentally becoming a pimp in college.

RonGreen1 If there was a pizza girl, I would call every night.

JQuickDraw Supporter A great line from Tropic Thunder: "I don't read the script. The script reads me."

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Alex, do you have two separate blue and red lights? The bill of your hat is projecting blue and red onto your face like classic 3D glasses.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator I do.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ :D

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ "Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice, giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!"

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Uh. They OBVIOUSLY came from India, BEV. Duh.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, maybe the local Dominoes is a front for an internet scam group.

RonGreen1 Domino's. Pizza Hut. In other words, there's no good pizza available in your town.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ In a weird turn of events, sub places DO make the best pizza.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Yinz. Yinzers. You'uns.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Jimmies for sprinkles.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Slippy for slippery.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ I'm originally from Pittsburgh.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Pittsburghers say "and that" a lot. Like, in place of "etc.". But, they pronounce it like "en nat".

RonGreen1 Gnite alex

JQuickDraw Supporter Mr Beers, It's no longer Miller Time

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ "Oh, how the turd turns."

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ TAFT!

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Andrew Jackson.

Guyinroom83 wheres alex??

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ @Guy, you just missed her. She had to call it early.

RonGreen1 Shirtless. If only Hillary were president.😂🤣😂

Guyinroom83 @Chicago oh... gay

Guyinroom83 bio-pic or biOPic

Guyinroom83 oh i figured it was biOPic

JQuickDraw Supporter I say BEE-oh-PEEK

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Truth be told, Abraham Lincoln probably looked the best with his shirt off. He supposedly was a beast of a man.

Guyinroom83 i can definitely picture lincoln with quite the hairy chest

JQuickDraw Supporter Andrew Jackson was a soldier I believe, and physically fought off assassins several times on his own. He was probably shredded.

Guyinroom83 but wasnt lincoln kind of controlled by his wife

AlexofAllTrades Moderator I'm going to bed, Guy. So sick.

Guyinroom83 or she was just nuts or something

Guyinroom83 @alex feel better, that sucks

Guyinroom83 lol

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Andrew Jackson survived being shot SEVERAL times. He probably had sexy scars all over him.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator Thanks, guy

Guyinroom83 the movie lincoln made it also seem like his wife was calling the shots a bit

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly's new bit - presidential spotlight: Hot or Not

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ It's very normal, especially for huge venues, for the vocals to be something like 80/20 real/recorded.

Guyinroom83 ive seen a lot of rappers just kind of rap 'over' their own recorded rap. its really stupid

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Famous techno DJs pretty much have their sets prerecorded. Justifiably so. Several have said that the last thing they want to happen is a cable comes unplugged in the middle of their set.

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Speaking of performers at huge venues, apparently, Taylor Swift is destroying stadiums - literally. Stream-safe TikTok:

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+

Guyinroom83 i know a lot of bands use backing tracks live, but i honestly hate it. unless its like small parts or something

Guyinroom83 id rather hear a rougher live sound, anything thats live

RonGreen1 Taylor Swift was in town last weekend

RonGreen1 I saw girls wearing white cowboy boots headed to the stadium and thought the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders were in town.

Guyinroom83 yeah it was cardi

ChicagoFaucet Rumble Premium UserSupporter+ Look Cardi B's full real name. It's crazy.

Guyinroom83 she got a total pass for that ( bc she's a poc woman)

Guyinroom83 lol. do a 'ask reddit' and ask that

Guyinroom83 I'll tell you why you hate the long nails, Erl. It's bc you hate POC women, since they mainly do that. #racist

JQuickDraw Supporter OMG I forgot about Carter's rap career

JQuickDraw Supporter Please find that clip and play it again

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 i used to only see the super long curled ones on like national geographic

RonGreen1 The Lebron James school of lunch.

RonGreen1 Trudeau is divorcing his wife. Now they can both find new boyfriend's.

JQuickDraw Supporter This is a parody account.

JQuickDraw Supporter Like Titania McGrath

JQuickDraw Supporter "Womanpower expert" lol

Guyinroom83 i can't believe she could be this stupid. she's as dumb as her character on her old comedy central show

RonGreen1 Awesome. Gnite all 👋

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