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Mosquitoes attack – Save yourself if you can! By KLA.TV founder Ivo Sasek
This report again seems so unbelievable, so inconceivably utopian and sick that I cannot avoid putting the hard facts, the irrefutable evidence on the table before the details. What is it about? Ex-Pfizer consultant Karen Kingston, now a relentless whistleblower, has brought to light another long-approved patent. You can see the patent number, along with all the facts, in the back and below in the program text.
The patent is titled: “Toxic mosquito aerial release system”. This, among many similar patents, was granted back in 2015 and it literally states, among many other things:
“For military purposes, mosquitoes could transmit a pathogen such as malaria to cause disease, or they could use much more infectious pathogens and viruses.”
This patent, accompanied by countless pictures, describes every stage: from the development of bioweapon mosquitoes to their exact application, their spreading by drones, etc., in all detail. We are surrounded by madmen, dear people, are you aware of this? Particularly insane is that even the so-called “fact checkers” don’t deny the existence of this patent and that it was granted already in March 2015! But they deny any connection to the US Army and the US Army using it. So, in other words, this is even more extreme, because a private person, a private company is getting such patents – and this one’s true identity is even covered up by the patent office. You see, and instead of arresting such madmen – once again from secret societies – on the spot, and instead of confiscating their murderous inventions and taking care that all its developers are put behind bars, they are even granted official permits on their potential genocidal mass murder weapons. Just imagine what would happen if I would file such a patent.
And what has come to light here, is with certainty again only a tiny fraction of a far worse bigger picture. Just recently we learned that we will soon be given vaccines via fruits and vegetables, but now this should be done via specially bred “vaccine mosquitoes”. Gates already released mosquitoes at a congress to cause panic in the audience in order to sensitize people against malaria. Couldn’t such a thing only be done by a madman? After this, whoever expressed the fear that they want to vaccinate us with mRNA-vaccine-mosquitoes was, as usual, immediately defamed as a conspiracy theorist. And this with the argument that the RTS,S vaccine now available is no mRNA vaccine. In fact, though, BioNTech has already sent an mRNA vaccine against malaria into phase 1 registration trials.
This extremely dangerous to deadly experiment on nations with DNA-altering toxins, which began with Covid-19, is supposed to definitely be continued this way. Whoever does not recognize early on that ultimately everything is heading towards purposeful mRNA contamination, is mistaken! Because all of this is actually about highly efficient military bio-weapons, as we have proved long ago at AZK conferences and repeatedly, thoroughly and irrefutably with KLA.TV. Those who initially thought that this was mere science fiction have been proven wrong by the official Internet pages of the United Nations. Do not forget: the UN is a creation of the Freemason’s secret society.
Already in 2018 the UN documented in detail and proudly about their elaborate breeding of vaccination mosquitoes. In 2022, moreover, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the release of up to 2.4 million genetically modified mosquitoes and eggs in Monroe County, Florida, and several counties in California.
The EPA announced the release by biotech company Oxitec between 2022 and April 30, 2024. So, it is fact that hundreds of millions of mosquitoes have already been released into the environment without the people having any knowledge of this.
And while between 2003 and 2023 there has not been a single case of malaria transmitted locally within the USA by native mosquitoes, now the very places where the mosquitoes were released are suddenly seeing the first cases of malaria. And, of course, the Gates-funded company has already released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild, as always, bypassing all the people. But at this point, whoever thinks this damn name is the only one that can simply not be missing in any damaging attack on humanity, is gravely mistaken. This murderer in philanthropic garb is still only an errand boy for a far higher cabal, i.e. a scheming gang superior to him. As soon as the true heads of this global secret society cult run the risk of being recognized and of being seen through by the public, they throw some lone perpetrator in front of us, a so-called pawn victim.
That’s how they have always done it, for example with their 9/11 attack with Bin Laden; that’s how they did it with their Kennedy assassination with Lee Harvey Oswald, or before their deliberate bombing of Iraq with their CIA agent – I call him that because the CIA trained him – Saddam Hussein etc. – and that’s how they will do it again with a Karl Lauterbach, a Christian Drosten or a Spahn in Germany, before they themselves will be exposed as the true authors of the Corona Plandemic. This means, finally, they will not even stop at a Bill Gates. Before their worst case, they will bring up and burn all such people as single perpetrators and let them be damned by their compulsory-levy media. If it becomes very tight, they will even sacrifice their whole WHO – but everything only, in order to divert from themselves, namely the still far worse leadership circles, the still far more dangerous authors and power bearers.
In any case, a new, deliberately fabricated health crisis, this time based on malaria, seems to be brewing. In fact, in 2021, many genetically engineered mosquitoes were already released in Texas. In 2022, another 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes were released in the Florida Keys. And of course, mosquitoes in China are already injecting vaccines, it’s not against malaria there, but against leishmaniasis (an infectious disease caused by microorganisms and transmitted by sand flies)
And, as luck would have it, Bill Gates has once again financed a malaria vaccine just in time which is just hitting the market - with a highly touted efficacy of 40%, which has been tested once again on defenseless children in Africa. The name of his vaccine: "RTS,S." You can find many more details about it in the link behind or below in the broadcast text:
To bring it more precisely to the point once again: shortly after a Gates-funded company released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in several U.S. states, the first cases of malaria broke out in the very places where there had not yet been a case. And as we know, millions have been dying of malaria in third world countries every year. You can sense my fears. I am not voicing them – you can read my mind. And what about our peoples as well as all the animal species that feed on mosquitoes? Isn’t it enough that billions of bees are already dying and hundreds of thousands of birds, etc. are falling to the ground dead as a result of mobile 4G, 5G technologies? Is it really not enough? Who defends these helpless little animals? Who defends all the helpless people?
We have arrived in the age of biological warfare, dear friends, we’re in the midst of a hybrid Third World War – that means secretly, covertly waged by an insane elite that aims at reducing the world’s population to a declared 500 million people. Never forget their 120-ton manifesto in ten languages on the famous Guide Stones! Watch the show again, you can see the link behind me. But how on earth would you be able to protect yourself from mRNA loaded mosquito bites? Gates and all the masterminds of these biological warfare mosquitoes will answer you: “Only by our specifically developed vaccinations – only we have the antidote.” But stay with me a little longer, I will show you in this broadcast an amazingly simple as well as extremely cheap and feasible first way out. But first I must convince you a little bit more of this actually running catastrophe, so that also you step to the necessary action!
Because all of what I’m talking about here is not merely science fiction. And do not forget at any moment that all this coming towards us originates with the same Big Pharma criminals who have just been exposed anew on June 29, 2023. For in a “bombshell study” it has been proven that the Covid vaccines forced on us were given to people in three completely different batches with definitely different effects.
While in one batch harmless placebo contents such as salt water solution are suspected, in a 2nd and 3rd batch dangerous to highly dangerous lethal contents were found. Here behind me, you find a list and in the broadcast text you will find the sources with the exact reports.
And please don’t be blinded here either. Even when only BioNTech/Pfizer are exposed again and again, this does not mean that all other suppliers of vaccinations have nothing to do with this crime: Pfizer is just the tip of this horrible iceberg and must never be tolerated as a “lone perpetrator”. We must keep an eye on the whole! Wherever Big-Pharma has its hands in the game, the same thing happens all over the world. KLA.TV as well as many other free investigative journalists have long since reported about this.
All this is simply an appalling scandal which needs to be brought before a completely independent, a newly formed world-court tribunal. The peoples must convene jurisdiction professionals that will take care of due justice!
But now listen to some quotes from a US patent, which was granted in March 2015 by the official US patent authority. Here is its exact wording, the justifications, with the so-called beneficial effects of those new vaccine mosquitoes. Note how this patent praises and extols this new fighting mosquito weapon:
Advantageous Effects of Invention
With the toxic mosquito aerial release system, large masses of people can be immunized or enemy troops can now be wiped out or rendered useless without having to risk or endanger our own troops. The toxic mosquito aerial release system is extremely low cost and can easily accomplish what a billion dollars in medical interventions and air strikes cannot do.
The mosquitoes in the toxic mosquito aerial release system can be contaminated with various types of genetically altered bacteria to activate the immune system, or contaminated with toxic sickness agents depending on the objectives. For military purposes, the mosquitoes may be used to deliver an agent such as malaria to create sickness, or they could use much more toxic or highly contagious agents and viruses. A highly contagious virus could wipe out 100% of the enemy troops because the ones that did not get bitten will be contaminated by their fellow soldiers.
The toxic mosquito aerial release system is a new and needed technology. It is a way to administer curative or immunological injection, to administer calmative agents, or to administer deadly disease to wipe out and disable the enemy at a minimal cost. For use in conflict, there is no longer the need to spend countless billions of dollars and to destroy entire areas with bombing, and to wound or sacrifice our bravest and finest soldiers. When it comes down to the hell of war or the miraculous, beautiful technology of a mosquito, the choice will be easy to make.
At this point I ask: How can the own soldiers be protected against the released toxic mosquitoes? Gates will give you a crystal-clear answer: of course, only through his vaccinations, i.e. antidotes! We are surrounded by madmen, do you realize that? And on the highest levels! No justice of this world has truly punished this evil gang so far. I cannot call them by any other name anymore. At this point I ask all authorities over the peoples: Do you really want us all to be bitten by gene-manipulated mosquitoes and the like, which are contaminated or inoculated by revealed Frankensteins? Why don’t you storm the laboratories of these madmen immediately, the laboratories of these Frankensteins? You have done it with many harmless doctors, when they, only for the protection of sensitive patients, had issued certificates for a mask release! You have put whole formations of special units on them. You have also stormed the practices of harmless physicians, heavily armed with special units, because they had refused to administer these compulsory vaccinations they had identified as highly dangerous. But those who could be convicted that they were harming whole peoples, killing millions of people with their highly experimental toxic injections, you have consistently not touched a hair on their heads. You should have stormed their laboratories, confiscated them, or at best burned these down on the spot and brought some of these madmen behind bars – the whole nightmare would be over. All of this is obviously about private people who have these patents.
But you do none of this, although only your powerful intervention would be legal, because it’s legally covered. But instead you have punished and persecuted all those who, with the greatest personal sacrifice, have shown civil courage and gone into the gaps themselves which you officials negligently left behind during these Plandemic attacks. When we called on all kinds of politicians and prosecutors for help, we were attacked so often that we had to make notes on whom it would be better never to turn to again. Because instead of helping, they just covered us with large-scale media attacks. This went so far that it even came to a huge outcry in the German Parliament (Bundestag) and in the entire European realm. We were mendaciously accused of blacklisting executives and politicians – like Arrow – and then slaughtering them by night and fog. And then all the leaders, up to and including Angela Merkel and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, were scared. Because they all feared being blacklisted by name, they set the Office for the Protection of the Constitution on us. Only after thorough investigations the highest government agencies gave the all-clear, because they realized that none of us would harm a hair on anyone’s head. But you know what? Even if this were about violent terrorists, why would they keep such long blacklists of individual names? For violent terrorists the whole thing would be much simpler.
As long as neither politics nor justice department don’t lift a finger against those operating genocide, to punish those murderers of the peoples who have constantly been reported on, then even collecting a white list would be a senseless exercise, yes, even an impossibility. When everyone does the same thing! Each evasion of official duty is already a criminal abuse of power itself. Whoever unbendingly practices abuse of power, even draws the anger of the most just peoples to himself – how could he keep vengeful terrorists at bay in the long run? It is impossible! Whoever does not resist these genocidal murderers, very logically and automatically makes himself an accomplice, a complicit culprit!
This is why, at this point, I once again call upon all of you politicians and judicial officials in office, yes, but also all military officers and every single police officer, criminalist, truly independent forensic scientist, independent virologists, scientists, lawyers, etc. to actively resist. Isn’t it precisely your job to punish reported serious crimes in a professional way. You have chosen this job, now practice it! If you don’t do it, you are letting down the people you took an oath to protect. By your indifferent, passive, or perhaps just fearful behavior, you are directly provoking a civil war. The worse these uncovered enemies of mankind with their deadly compulsory vaccinations and now with biological mosquito weapons attack the peoples, the greater the danger that sooner or later a terrible civil war will result – another useless bloodbath. But exactly this plan is being pursued by these enemies of mankind, whom you, our set guardians, categorically do not want to touch. They want the civil war, so that they can come up with armed forces, with military, and world dictatorship. That would be the most convenient way for them. And I tell you that by your ignorant and probably only cowardly restraint you will bring on your own head all the blood that has already flowed and will still flow because of your evasion of official duty. This will bring you under judgment. You guardians of the nations, who have been set up before God and man to defend against disaster, if necessary by force, do not spare yourselves any longer and make use of the authority given to you. Do not leave this to the non-empowered peoples.
I have to come to a close and still want to fulfill the promise to show my both amazingly simple and exceedingly cheap first way out. Since I have something like “sweet blood”, the whole threat with the soon coming mRNA mosquitoes concerns me particularly. All my life I have been attacked and bitten by almost every mosquito that flies across my path. So I asked God for a helpful discovery for defenseless humanity and myself. Barely a week later I was able to test my discovery in a place full of aggressive mosquitoes. Exactly there, where I usually get bitten from head to toe within minutes, I did not suffer a single bite for days! The mosquitoes avoided me like the devil avoids holy water. And in this lemon container, which cost me just € 0.60, lies my whole discovery. A pure vitamin C preparation. You can get an empty sprayer for a few more cents, spray your feet, arms and legs briefly, neck and face if necessary – and that’s it. But use the cheapest preparation. After spraying, you can dress immediately and nothing will be sticky. A pure lemon juice is a bit sticky, possibly too fruity to repel mosquitoes. Of course, I don’t know if my discovery really works for every “blood type”, but you can test it for yourself.
And yet another fantastic discovery came to me while applying this preparation: I also unintentionally sprayed my armpits with it. The result just blew me away. Because it was one of the hottest days of this year, where you sweat from morning till night. Personally, I have not been using deodorants for years because I don’t like these toxins. I prefer to wash twice a day if necessary. On that particular day, I couldn’t possibly do it because of all the activity. Nevertheless, even late in the evening, I could not detect a hint of sweaty odor on me. Since then I have been using the same product as a deodorant. Zero poison, purest vitamin C under the armpits – and it has a better effect than any spray deodorant I know. I hope you may now have the same experience as me – that would be my perfect prayer experience. I love you!
I am Ivo Sasek who has been standing before God for 47 years.
from is.
Patent: system for releasing toxic mosquitoes into the air
RTS, S Malaria vaccine
BioNTech Starts Phase 1 Clinical Trial for Malaria Vaccine Program BNT165 | BioNTech
Information from the UN: Drones equipped with mosquitoes
Mosquitoes inject vaccines
Gates-funded company releases mosquitoes
Gates releases swarm of mosquitoes
Different batches for Covid vaccines
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