1 year ago

Do you really think he was oblivious to Biden’s shenanigans?

Think about this just for a minute. Here we had Barack Obama as president for 8 very long years. Not at all uneventful years, they were still 8 years during which then Vice President Joseph Biden had way too much time on his hands. “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” is wisdom that really filled the bill for an aging, overpaid, and devious man who had no real job for 50 years and even then had no duties other than cutting ribbons and kissing babies. [Keep him away from babies]

Obama found things much easier to manage without that “old white man” getting in the way. Biden fulfilled his duty in getting Obama elected. After all, although the public was eager to elect a black man they still wanted ‘a white guy’ in office. Realistically speaking, the only duties thrust upon Biden were to be there just in case Obama suddenly could not uphold his term of office.

Back to those 8 years: We know a lot about what Joe Biden did during these 8 windfall years. God only knows what sort of chicanery he was involved in before that, when he was a senator. Anyway, here we had Joe Biden sending his drug-addled little bastard around the world squeezing money from any place he could find it. The greatest sale item Hunter had [acting on Joe’s behalf] was the influence of the White House. From spending a night in the Lincoln bedroom to backdoor trade deals, influence has proven to be an expensive yet effective commodity. The Biden influence peddling that went on was monumental in scope and unfathomable in depth.

Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, Venezuela, China, and God only knows how many other nations were forced to ‘pony up the dough’ for a shortcut to the White House. But here’s the rub; Hunter only had Biden’s influence to peddle yet he made so very much money doing it. Do you suppose this is because of Hunter’s masterful negotiation skills and unbelievable salesmanship? Not really!

How about this; Hunter paid a huge percentage to his dad aka “The Big Guy” [this much we know] and then Joe paid a kingly tithe to his “Big Guy” Barack Obama. In the end it was the influence peddling with Barack Obama as the prime product.

Think about it for just a minute if you will. Obama is not an idiot, and never has been accused of being such. Do you really think he didn’t know what was going on with his lackey Joe Biden? Do you think he was unaware of the growing Biden Crime Cartel? Joe, Jill, James, Hunter all make up the ‘Gang of Four’ in American politics. I would venture that Obama actually organized and even supervised the extortion, blackmail, and all forms of threats and promises aimed at bringing in millions and millions of dollars.

Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden, even 14 years ago, was capable of organizing such an international cash cow? And the 9-year-old next door built a time machine!

When Barack entered office he was hardly worth much more than a house in the suburbs. After only 8 years in the Oval Office he was ‘suddenly’ worth over $135 Million according to the New York Post. He was paid a little under $400,000 a year for 8 years as president. Now, assuming he lived without spending even a penny of this wealth, but paying his fair taxes, he would have banked $2 Million dollars.
That’s one hell of an assumption because even he buys a beer or orders a pizza or something for God’s sake. Yet somehow he managed to amass over $135 Million dollars from at best $2 Million dollars! Damn! I wanna meet his investment counselor.

Do you think some of that money might well have come from The Gang of Four? Remember too that this money might well still be flowing into Obama coffers because as ‘nice a guy’ as he is, even the venerable Barack Obama is not above a little blackmail … ya think?

Where has the IRS been at least these past 14 years? Sure, they’ll jump on the journeyman plumber who runs a small business with only a couple of employees but when it comes to people with names like Obama and Biden they remain strangely silent, even oblivious because they’re far too busy dog-piling on small businessmen and women. Does this suck? Yer damn right it sucks!

With far less evidence than I have presented in this little blivet here, the IRS has gone on mad dashes with armed agents seizing materials and property from retired people.

With seemingly limitless innuendo and evidence piling up daily against the ‘Gang of Four’ there’s nothing going on. Welcome to the Banana Republic of America.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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