What you DON'T KNOW about @BassFishingHQ ?!?

3 years ago

On tonight live stream/podcast I am joined by the great and powerful Ty Berger aka Bass Fishing HQ!

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Check out Monsterbass and use code BEARD to save 25% - https://bit.ly/2ChnsFW

Check out X2 Power - https://bit.ly/3CGTvc0

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SUBSCRIBE to the NEW ARF Live channel - https://bit.ly/31izMSM

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💵 Discount Codes 💵

MONSTERBASS - BEARD = 25% entire website - https://bit.ly/2ChnsFW

Gear I use on a daily basis:

Sunglasses: https://bit.ly/3ihVoVd
Sun Shirt: https://bit.ly/2Vh5htJ
Life jacket: https://bit.ly/PFDKayak
Scissors: https://bit.ly/3ijkao9
Pliers: https://bit.ly/3rQoNt5
Scale: https://bit.ly/3zY6uVm
Rain Jacket: https://bit.ly/3xp2r2F
Rain bibs: https://bit.ly/3rP70Ce
Kayak Net: https://bit.ly/3BlkcCB

📲Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstaARF

🤳🏼TikTok: https://bit.ly/TikTokARF

🔊 Podcast: https://bit.ly/34voecI

📧Business email: alexruddfishing@gmail.com

⚠️ Channel partners:

Tackle Warehouse: https://bit.ly/327chKN
Abu Gracia: https://bit.ly/2SI6k4f
AFTCO: http://bit.ly/2OgLHsa
Monsterbass: https://bit.ly/2ChnsFW
X2 Power: https://bit.ly/3CGTvc0

#Fishing #Bassfishing #AlexRuddFishing #Outdoors #Fishing #Bassfishing #Explore #Adventure #Sports #PondFishing #KayakBassFishing #AlexRuddFishing

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