Is 119 Ministries wed to Reach Jews with False Gospel of Paul, Ignoring Jesus' Has A True Gospel? #3

1 year ago

119 Ministries advocates on how to evangelize Jews in its Episode Deuteronomy 13.
This is Episode 3 in the series on testing the validity of 119 Ministries approach.

To assess why that episode on Deuteronomy 13 advocates Jews must be advised to accept Paul along with Jesus, rather than Jesus alone, we searched to find out what is the gospel message of 119 Ministries. Is it Pauline? Or Jesus-based?

We found the answer at this YouTube video at this url:
A Response to Mike Winger Regarding God’s Law - 119 Ministries

Here 119 Ministries lays bare its whole-hearted support that the only true gospel one can follow, and not be a heretic, is the gospel of Paul. We provide a clip to prove that.

This means they leave behind Jesus'' valid alternative gospel:

1. Jesus quotes Exodus 20:6 KJV in Matt 19:16-19 when asked how to have eternal life, and Jesus answered “if you want to enter life, keep the commandments,” followed by quoting from the 10 Commandments until interrupted with another question.

Exodus 20:6 KJV reads that "I [YHWH] grant mercy (grace) to those who love me and obey my commandments."

2. Zaccheus promises Jesus to pay 4 x what he stole from each victim, and Jesus says, “today salvation has come to this house.” (Luke 19:8-9.) Clearly Jesus says the result of works worthy of repentance is salvation..

3. Jesus teaches in Matt 5:23-24 if you wish to use an atonement gift (“gift – doron -- at the sacrifice altar – thusiasteron”), you may not do so unless you have “first gone back and been reconciled to the” one (or more) that has “something against you.” Only then may you use an atonement offering. The same thing is taught 8 x in TNK, e.g., when Saul disobeys God, and explains to Samuel he intended to do a sacrifice atonement to make up for it.

4a. John 8:31-40 – “those who PISTEUO”unto Jesus (= “believe” in John 3:16) are told by Jesus now they should “continue in my word to become truly my disciples, and you will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”They deny in reply they are in “bondage to anyone.” Jesus says the one who is “sinning is in bondage to sin.”

4b. John 8:31-40 – Jesus soon observes their reaction and says “now you intent on killing me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.” “My word has no headway in you.” [Not gone deep / more than superficial faith / obedience].” “You do what you have heard from your father….” the devil. (PISTEUO is discussed.)

5. Parable of the Sheep & the Goats. Matt 25:30-46. [Discussed in video.]

6. Parable of the Sower – second seed who “believes for a while,” and in “time of testing, falls away,” which Jesus says is what the second seed represents and “withers" [i.e. DIES] "because it had no moisture.” The saved in the parable is only the 4th seed – who in a good and faithful heart bore much fruit. Luke 8:4-8 Mounce Reverse Interlinear.

And so on.

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