Valor? Not a Virtue

1 year ago

There are two kinds of devils - the devil that does evil, and the silent devil.

The silent devil is by far worse, because they see the evil and say nothing.

Hello, my name is Dan, and I am an ex-order follower

Ultimately the onus for every atrocity committed throughout human history lands squarely on the shoulders of order-followers such as military, police, and other mercenaries. It is my belief that as one people, we can rise from this darkness together to stop the current atrocities by educating the order-followers (who are the action takers) on what true objective morality under the creator’s Natural Law is. Thus, preventing others from joining the ranks of order-following through the understanding that the authoritarian states they represent are immoral by their very natures. To understand that no being in creation has any inherent right to rule over others through violence of action, coercion, or threat of violence.

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