This is the Sick Satanic World all Children are gonna live in! [02.08.2023]

1 year ago

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

"To be Sure I Must; and Therefore I May Assume, that Your Silence Gives Consent!" Plato (427—347 BCE)

"Civil Disobedience Becomes A Sacred Duty When The State Has Become Lawless Or Corrupt!" - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Ask Not Why The Children Shouldn't See Drag Queens!

Ask Why Drag Queens Crave An Audience Of Children!
Intro Clip. - Max Igan: What are children 'learning' in the Schools?

If kids go online they are not allowed to watch porn...
It is illigal to do so...
But schools are allowed to show Porn to children?

Grindr: The World's Largest Social Networking App for LGBTQ People.

Max Igan: The Agenda 2030 Futures in Plain Sight for all to 'See'! [28.07.2023]
Clip 1.
Bill Cooper (R.I.P) The Roman Circus anno 2023/Today!

Don't Tread On Me
3963 subscribers
Clip 2.
“Fuck every white man, woman, and child alive on this planet. All you motherfuckers need to die!"
Clip 3.
Man Giving Lecture Has Medical Episode & Dies Suddenly (July 2023)
Clip 4.
Sudden Death!
Clip 5
Bill Clinton - Government Experiments On People's Health did take Place!
Clip 6.
We the People are the Fucking Nature!

Just watch this..
Clip 7.
Sick! Little Girl Forced to get 'Vaccinated'!

Disgusting Cackling Witches... Sick...

Smart little girl. "Why is everything shot shot shot" well darlin, pharmaceutical greed. Your mom doesn't even want the shots but it's cool to inject you with some aborted fetal cells & monkey dna.

Let's all laugh at the scared little girl. This isn't even remotely funny. They're literally chasing her down and injecting her against her will, what's that called? - medical.
Clip 8.
10 Organic Companies Bought Out By BlackRock And Vanguard.
Clip 9.
Sick Satanic Pedophile Monsters Incorporated in Palin Sight!

Bring The 1% Elite Down - Fight For Your God Given Freedom - Buckle Up - Its Time
Clip 10.

The Crazy Conspiracy Theory claims that Satanic Elites harvest Adrenochrome from kidnapped children, by torturing them to death, to produce Adrenochrome.
Clip 11.
We Fucking Need to get the Young people to Fight for their Future!

A young kid gets arrested and spits on a female officer.
She wasn't having it..
Clip 12.
How many 'chances' do you give someone before you're fight back?
Clip 13.
Do you filter and Vortex all your water?

Kim Osbøl's & Dr Tom Cowan's Water Filtering and Structuring Routine! [09.03.2023]
How to Filter and Vortex your water for Poor People... Like me! (incl links and info)

I have spoken about this before and now they are even admitting that drinking water supplies are contaminated by vast array of drugs

If we’re taking it, we’re also drinking it: painkillers, blood thinners, hormones, chemotherapy agents, even cocaine and amphetamines.

Whatever goes into us, also comes out of us, through our own biological effluent, every time we flush the toilet. The excreted drugs pass right through most sewage treatment processes and end up in rivers and lakes, and then in our drinking water because most treatment plants do not filter out pharmaceuticals.

The immediate concern was for fish swimming in this pharmaceutical soup. And over the last decade, scientists have proven the drugs are creating "intersex" fish, with males developing eggs in their testes.

Hmmm.. so no wonder some men are starting to feel like women these days but supposedly scientists still don’t know if these pharmaceuticals are affecting human health...
Clip 14.
Plant-based 'Vaccines' into the food supply without the public's awareness!

They are developing plant-based 'vaccines' intended to be seamlessly integrated into the food supply, all without the public's awareness.

Guess which billionaire philanthropist was buying more farmland in the US than anyone else?
Clip 15
A word from Ted Nugent: How Clever are people in this world?

This is the greatest 27 seconds in TV broadcast history. Nothing else even comes close
Kim Osbøl: Happy Fucking Satanic Facist Agenda 2030 New Year Morons! [31.12.2022]
Music used:
AETHYRIEN - Árásaust
Gasolin Gør det noget - Place Sct. Michelle [1977]
Gasolin Gør det noget - December i New York [1977]
Gasolin Gas 5 - Fatherless Hill [1975]

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