Need God?

1 year ago

I am not ashamed to say: I need You Lord. I am not foolish to think I can navigate my own life in times such as these, where this world is so topsy-turvy. So much that we have known for so long is like living in an opposite day: Good is bad and bad is good. We have flip-flopped our morals and godly character is now a persecuted thing. What is right is being unjustly indicted and what is wrong is being overlooked, not held accountable and lifted up, and acclaimed.

True Godly heroes are defamed and falsely accused as ungodly people take their position of fake authority, steal, kill and destroy the innocence of children, and cancel all things christian, the good, the right, and all the sin Jesus died to save us from, is now flaunted in our face through the naked bodies of men trying to be women and women trying to be men. There are only two genders. Two! We are now being defined by our sexual preferences, we are so much more than this, we are created to be so much more than an identity based on sexual appetites. We were created in God’s Image, shaped and designed by Him in our mother’s womb. Our identity is in God, not in all these made up fake reality gender falsities. We need God.

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Our human authority, taken illegitimately has corrupted absolutely and we are suffering, yet You are growing us through the horrific consequences we are growing through; You have not left us, nor forsaken us, but are purposefully shaping us through all of our human mess. Jesus bring us back to the basics of You, Jesus being our first in the all of our everything.

Get back to the basics of putting God first. In times such as these to step out on your own to follow a human being instead of God, to look to a human being to save you is dangerous drifting away from God being at the center of our lives. We need God, we need a vital-vertical relationship with Him. In times such as these, make God your enough, open your heart wide to Him, do life with Him. Don’t be ashamed because you need God, it is the wisest choice you can make to step out in the morning and your first step out is bowed down to God, yielding your life, your day to His way, truth and life.

Our flesh is weak, but God is the strength of our lives. We are seeing so much horrific behavior as the human condition has run amuck. Without God we are not good human beings and we are seeing this now, we are experiencing this now. We need God to strengthen us, to guide us, to protect us and we pray: Come Lord Jesus, Navigate Us On This Day, We Yield To You.
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