Man Jumps From Tracks Seconds Before Train Passes

8 years ago

Vision taken from the driver's cab of a V/Line train show a rail trespasser jumping for his life, as a high-speed train approaches on the Ballarat line near Melbourne. This line is a regional passenger rail service, and it's the second busiest service in Victoria.

Certain parts of the railway are open to the public – such as stations, underpasses and level crossings, but you will be trespassing if you go on to the tracks, embankments or any other area for any reason at any time. Just like the man in this video, who did a very reckless thing, thus jeopardizing his safety, but also the safety of everyone on the train.

When somebody is spotted trespassing, all trains in the vicinity are stopped to ensure the safety of the passengers, train crew and the trespasser. This not only delays nearby trains, but can also have a knock-on effect on trains across the network. In the worst cases, there are even human casualties. The man on this video was lucky enough to get away with his life, although it was just a matter of seconds before the train passed.

Next time he may not be so lucky, so he should reconsider doing this again. Let this serve as an example for how dangerous rail trespassing can be, and the devastating consequences it can cause. Always heep your safety in mind.

Credit to 'VLine Victoria'.

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