(2003) The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Part 9) The Guilty Men

1 year ago

The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a video documentary series by Nigel Turner that originally aired in 1988 in England with two one-hour segments about the John F. Kennedy assassination. The United States corporation, Arts & Entertainment Company, purchased the rights to the original two segments. Three one-hour segments were added in 1991. A sixth segment was added in 1995.

Finally, three additional hourly segments were added by the History Channel in November 2003. The ninth segment, titled "The Guilty Men", directly implicated Lyndon B. Johnson.

Within days, Johnson's widow, Lady Bird Johnson, more of his surviving associates, ex-President Jimmy Carter, and the lone, living Warren Commission commissioner and ex-President Gerald R. Ford immediately complained to the History Channel. They subsequently threatened legal action against Arts & Entertainment Company, owner of the History Channel. "The Guilty Men" segment was completely withdrawn by the History Channel. Also during the series, French prisoner Christian David named Lucien Sarti as one of three French criminals hired to carry out the assassination of Kennedy, when he was interviewed by author Anthony Summers. This claim is one of the most strongly investigated theories presented on the show.

Barr McClellan was one of Lyndon Johnson's lawyers and also the father of Scott McClellan who was George W Bush's press secretary.
Lyndon Johnsons own lawyer Barr McClellan says "I know as an attorney for Lyndon Johnson that he murdered John Kennedy. He murdered John Kennedy to become president and to avoid prison and there is no doubt in my mind". When LBJ won his senate race in 1948 they found a 201 vote error and traced the votes back to a Texas town that had 201 votes which was 1 for his opponent Stevens and 200 for LBJ. It was a rigged election based on bribery. LBJ's criminal activity only began to unravel 11 years after his death. According to Billie Sol Estes there were 8 murders perpetrated on the part of LBJ. Justice document with a list of all the names Billie told them including Lyndon Johnson's own sister Josefa Johnson. The first murder in 1951 was John Douglas Kinser a Golf Pro who was having an affair with Mac Wallace's wife and Lyndon Johnson's sister Josefa Johnson.

Attorney Edward Clark was the secret boss of Texas. LBJ's old lawyer Barr McClellan said Edward Clark could arrange for people to be killed or money to be laundered. Barr McClellan as a young lawyer started working at Edward Clarks law firm in 1966. An attorney John Coats told a young Barr McClellan that Edward Clark helped arrange the JFK assassination in Dallas. Don Thomas was #2 in the law office and said he is the only man to know about Johnsons (stolen) 1948 win about box#13 but Edward Clark took care of things in Dallas (JFK). Barr McClellan says he knows without a doubt that In 1961 Lyndon Johnsons past criminal activities were beginning to catch up with him. Henry Marshall a local Texas Agricultural official had begun investigating one of Lyndon Johnsons illegal sources of funding and was aware of Billie Sol Estes misappropriations of Federal cotton allotment funds. Attempts to buy off Henry Marshall had failed and his investigations began to threaten the Vice Presidents himself. Bill Sol Estes & Lyndon Johnson became worried where they had a meeting about what to do with Henry Marshalls as meeting included Lyndon Johnson, Billie Estes, Cliff Carter (LBJ righthand man), and LBJ hitman Mac Wallace where finally LBJ made the statement "Get rid of him!". The Grand Jury believed Billie Sol Estes.

Bobby Baker (secretary for the Senate) was one of LBJ's closest associates. Bobby Baker would accept bribes$$ from companies that wanted to get Military contracts and then pay the money to LBJ. He was involved with Clint Murchison who was an oil millionaire from Texas. Late summer 1963 Bobby Baker was about to be exposed for corruption. The Kennedys wanted Bobby Baker to talk to expose Lyndon Johnson where they could get him off the ticket for the 1964 election and possibly throw him in jail. Lyndon Johnson had powerful ALLIES that didn't like JFK. A wealthy Texan named DH Byrd had close ties to Lyndon Johnson and also owned the Book Depository building in Dallas. Texas Governor John Connelly was part of Johnson's stolen election COVER-UP in 1948.
LBJ mistress Madeleine Brown met him in 1948.

@22:22 On November 21st 1963 Madeleine Brown & LBJ were invited to a party at this house of oil billionaire Clint Murchison in northern Dallas. Madeleine says the guest list included Oil Billionaire HL Hunt, Oil Billionaire Clint Murchison, FBI director J Edgar Hoover, former VP Richard Nixon. VP Lyndon Johnson made a quick appearance and once he arrived at Clint Murchison's house they all went into a conference room. When LBJ came out he whispered in Madeleines ear "Those SONS OF BITCHES Kennedy's will never embarrass me again. That is no threat. That is a promise". LBJ then departed from the house. May Newman was a seamstress for the Murchison's who also confirms that this party took place on the eve of the JFK assassination. May Newman says she found out FBI Director J Edgar Hoover was a special guest at this party as the Chauffer was to pick him up at the airport in Dallas. Madeleine says she confronted LBJ about his involvement in the JFK assassination and he said it was the oil fat cats$ in Texas along with the intelligence community. LBJ's aid Cliff Carter made many calls to the Dallas DA Henry Wade to tell him to look no further than Lee Harvey Oswald saying their was no conspiracy.

Once LBJ was sworn in as president he had the power to cover up every aspect of the JFK assassination.

@34:32 Mac Wallace fingerprint on the 6th floor of the Book Depository building. This fingerprint sat in the national archives until 1998 when Finger Print Expert Nathan Darby was given the print to match to Mac Wallace's print. Nathan Darby said it was a perfect match but none of the agencies or law enforcement were interested to hear about it.

LBJ's personal hitman Mac Wallace died in a mysterious car crash on January 7th 1971 and only 8 months later LBJ's inner circle personal aid Cliff Carter died expectantly but shortly before his death Cliff Carter met up with Billie Sol Estes to discuss all the murders of LBJ enemies that they know of and Cliff Carter knows about more murders up to 17 involving LBJ. Cliff Carter tells Billie Estes that he now fears for his own life. 2 days later Cliff Carter is dead.

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