arguing w/ the bishop over simple possession...CLASSIC ag

1 year ago

so sexy over here *self-knowledge is hot
whenever i think i'm the sexiest it's cos of the masculinity
i am a very awkward chick
grunge since i grew up in the nineties
grateful to live in my head where it's whatever time i want it to be
does this qualify as a segment of time anymore
we're just hangin on for dear life ain't we
we ain't goin back to the way things were
i really hope i'm wrong about all this but...
as long as you remember that God is good...
just trying to enjoy this milkshake before the world ends
finally lauren has come back if only for a min haha
it would be the best thing for everybody to get off the internet
mild to severe possession is all too common
psych probs can always be used for good
judson agreed w/ me wholeheartedly probably cos he's a musician w/ real bad ocd
yours truly AS YOU KNOW is a comedian
what can be beneficial to the world is debilitating for a good while
whatever you do don't play the victim about it
i get real pissy n moody but i try not to take it out on anyone
i feel bad if i come across in a such a way that doesn't help anyone
i don't wanna put out more negative energy into the world
it's not their fault that they give into their weaknesses considering how much the system and american culture rewards them for this
they've been broken down their entire life
it's all about social status in relation to everything *FOMO strikes always
i need to stop being such a cunt to people online but you know...
social media is the glue holding so many people together
i pity all them mfs
they're on twitter, OF COURSE they're a narcissist
i understand mental illness cos i had to
...the many brilliant shades of gray/grey/gay

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