Top Ten Signs Indicating Armageddon Is Not Far Off...

1 year ago

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Welcome to Tomorrow’s World. There have always been troubling times, but thinking people are concerned. While most of us live in relative peace, there are signs that all is not well. Something is different. We see a social and geopolitical upheaval taking place before our eyes. And we know that if things go wrong, this time around mankind has unimaginable weapons of destruction at his disposal.

Yes, times are changing. And, some believe we are living in the Biblical “last days”—that Armageddon is on the horizon. Is it? Today on Tomorrow’s World, I’ll be giving you ten signs that indicate Armageddon is not far off. And I’ll be offering you a free resource, titled Armageddon and Beyond that explains there is good news in the end. Be sure to have writing material available to take down contact information, and stay tuned for “Ten Signs Leading to Armageddon.”

Welcome again to Tomorrow’s World. Today, I’ll be giving ten signs showing why we know we are living in the days leading to Armageddon. Many of these have been covered before on Tomorrow’s World. I’ll review those briefly and focus on two that you may not be aware of.
Many recognize our world is heading in a bad direction and they’re concerned for their future and that of their children and grandchildren. Will we destroy all life from planet earth? Let me answer that question right now. The answer is no. All life is NOT going to be destroyed. The same source that predicts a time of worldwide chaos and destruction also assures us that mankind will survive.
But there are challenging times ahead in the short-term. We are heading into a time unprecedented, when literally billions will die from global conflicts and natural disasters. Yes, you heard me right, billions, with a B.
Our world is changing in ominous ways. Something is wrong and thinking people realize this. The United States is badly divided, and it’s difficult to comprehend how the divide can be bridged. No one knows for sure how Brexit will affect the United Kingdom. Europe is equally confused about its future, and far right-wing parties are gaining strength across the continent, reminiscent of the 1930’s that led to WW2. Turkey is claiming control over a large portion of the Mediterranean. Populations are rising up in Central and South America against corrupt and incompetent governments.
What’s happening? What conditions does the Bible indicate that will lead to Armageddon? I’ll begin with a brief review of points covered in past programs and in our literature.
The 12th chapter of the book of Zechariah makes this prediction:

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah [that’s the Jews] and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples… though all nations of the earth are gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:2–3).

Then in Zechariah 14 explains further in verses 1 and 2:

“Behold, the day of the LORD is coming.… For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem.… Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city” (Zechariah 14:1–2).

Here are three signs we glean from these two passages in Zechariah:

Sign #1: Jerusalem will be a troubled spot in the world

Zechariah refers to it as “a very heavy stone.”

Sign #2: The Jews will occupy the Holy Land and be at the heart of this trouble

Remember, the Jews were banned from Jerusalem in 135 A.D. and had no control over the city until 1948. These prophecies are for our time. Today, Jews ARE in Jerusalem and it IS a very heavy stone. We see further,

Sign #3: All nations will be gathered together against the divided city of Jerusalem

The tiny state of Israel is not only surrounded by enemy states, but is despised by much of the world as an illegitimate nation. Consider the never ending stream of United Nations resolutions condemning Israel. The nation has few friends.

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