Floods have lately struck across Communist China “thanks to” Xi’s water management by himself

1 year ago

7/31/2023 Floods and downpours have lately struck numerous areas in Communist China thanks to the planning, deployment, and promotion of water management by the “almighty” General Secretary Xi himself! What sarcasm! Roads have turned into rivers in Mentougou, Beijing. How many ordinary Chinese people and vehicles have been swept away by the flood? How many cars were filled with occupants while being washed away? Is there any media reporting on the truth about the losses of lives and properties of the Chinese Lao Baixing?
#flooddisaster #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/31/2023 在“无所不能”的习总书记对治水事业的亲自擘划、亲自部署、亲自推动之下,近来中共国多处洪水滔天,暴雨成灾!这真是莫大的讽刺!北京门头沟路面成河,有多少老百姓和车辆被水冲走?又有多少被冲走的车里坐着人?有任何媒体报道中国老百姓生命和财产损失的真相吗?
#洪灾 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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