Bible Prophecy Reveals the Future of Europe: The Seventh Restoration of Rome

1 year ago

More than 2000 years ago, the legions of Rome ventured from their isolated peninsula and dominated the Mediterranean, Middle East and much of Europe for hundreds of years. The political system and ideals spread by the empire have continued to shape the continent of Europe to this very day. Rome may have fallen in AD 476, but the last 1500 years have been filled with repeated attempts to recreate the essence of the Roman Empire, the unification of the nations of Europe.

Bible prophecy describes seven restorations of the Roman Empire. Six have come and gone, yet the future restoration of Rome is one whose impact will reach far beyond the borders of Europe. Bible prophecy is the key to understanding the future of Europe, their quest for unity and the future restoration of the Roman Empire.

Napoleon, Charlemagne, and Otto the Great are among the most important figures in European history ruling vast and powerful empires, sweeping through the continent and striving to bring diverse peoples together under a common banner. Each one saw himself as the natural successor to Augustus, Constantine and even Julius Caesar.

Reorganizing Europe into a single entity reminiscent of the Roman Empire has been a driving force for centuries. The last two decades have been tumultuous times for Europe as the continent seems to have been in a constant state of crisis. Recently Brexit, and the potential for more nations to follow Britain's lead in breaking away from the European Union, has caused many to question the future of the EU. Yet there remains a call for unity and the creation of a single federal state.

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