Montana Megafloods with Randall Carlson and Bradley Young, Sept 18-23, 2024. Only a few spots left!

1 year ago

We traverse again into Idaho and Montana lead by Randall Carlson and Bradley Young of Kosmographia for 5 nights. We split our stay between the two states and we venture out daily to visit and learn about the geological remnants of the cataclysm only 12,800 years ago. There are amazing views and visits, hikes and lectures with a great bunch of people.

This is cohosted by Russ and Kyle of The Brothers of the Serpent, Ben from Uncharted X, and Graham and Darren from Grimerica.

Contact at the Cabin started out as a Meet up of podcast hosts/guests/listeners/friends mingling with ideas and various controversial topics, ancient mysteries, esotericism over a long weekend. It has morphed into a larger theme/tour/lecture/learning type meet up like these Scablands and Montana Flood tours with Randall Carlson and Bradley Young. The people and open minded conversations are incredible and the sites and lectures are very instructive.

Hang out with Randall, Bradley and the group all week. As our convoy listens to Randall narrate our journey live on Randall Radio, we see and stop at a variety of breathtaking sites during the week including some of the following. See the draft itinerary below for more daily details.
We also have the opportunity to see Randall and others present lectures about this topic and other ancient mysteries. Almost like a live podcast.

Example of Draft Itinerary as follows, subject to change...:
Pre-Trip: Zoom call with participants, Randall and Bradley to say hi, introductions, look at some maps, go over rough itinerary and answer questions.
Day 1:
Arrive into Spokane night before or morning of DEPARTURE in Vans from the Spokane Airport as a group after lunch. We will most likely be gathering in a restaurant near the airport to wait for everyone to arrive.
Spokane Valley / Rathdrum Prairie / Purcell Trench. Spirit Lake / Athol macro-bedforms. Priest River at Pend Oreille River. Bonners base along Lake Pend Oreille. Opening overview presentation by RC, welcome party!
Day 2:
McArthur Lake. Bonner’s Ferry / Moyie River. Kootenai River Falls. Libby terraces. Bull River. Cabinet Gorge Dam. Back to Bonners.
Day 3:
Around northern Lake Pend Oreille. Clark Fork / Lightning Creek. White Pine Gravel Pit (or Dry Creek gravel pit). Noxon Reservoir / Clark Fork River fun. Thompson Falls. Eddy Narrows. Paradise Valley (Plains). Polson, Montana.
Day 4
Flathead River / Camas Creek. Jocko River Valley. Missoula Basin / Clark Fork River. Mounts Sentinel and Jumbo. Bitterroot Basin / Bitteroot River Valley. Gravel deposits / Strandlines / Glacial valleys. Return to Polson.
Day 5
National Bison Range / Ravali. Mission Valley and Mountains. Polson Moraine. Flathead River / Kerr Dam. Buffalo Basin. Flathead Lake. Big Fork dinner. Return to Polson
Day 6:
Check out, and leave for Spokane Airport for later flights... 2pm earliest if possible. Stop at sites along the way. Clark Fork River to St. Regis. I-90 along St Regis River back to Spokane. Other stops if time allows: Wallace / Couer d’Alene / Bowl ‘n Pitcher (Spokane River).
** Some evenings there will be fantastic lectures by Randall and others, and jamming drumming depending on the amount of people bringing instruments.

#youngerdryas #randallcarlson #flood

Music by
Quanah Lee

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