Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey on Larry King Live – Vaccines and Autism

1 year ago

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy were trying to warn the world decades ago.

They are sure they know what doesn't cause it, but they don't know what does.

CARREY: The AAP is financed by the drug companies. Medical schools are financed by the drug companies.

KING: Drug companies want to keep this going?

CARREY: This is a huge business. Vaccines are the largest growing division of the pharmaceutical industry. $13 billion.

MCCARTHY: They control medical schools. I mean these doctors are not learning about prevention or vitamins or diet.

CARREY: What we're asking is for them to take a loss for the good of our children. That's a tough sell in a board room.

MCCARTHY: And, you know, as a precautionary measure right now. You know, you remove certain medications off shelves because they're deemed unsafe. Why not vaccines?

CARREY: They are saying to these parents, we don't have any answers, we're not looking for any answers and please don't look for your own.

MCCARTHY: And they're not offering any hope and we are. That's why Jerry and I sat down and wrote this book. This is an in depth guide to teach parents.

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