Some More Muslims Trying To Get Chris To Become A Pagan Like Them, But Chris Is Still Not Interested

1 year ago

00:01:00 What if the people who knew the bad things about Muhammad were killed off?
00:02:05 Muslims eat camel, go around a cube and kiss a stone.
00:03:05 He accepted the Quran, because he probably read one of the more fake translations.
00:06:20 Chris is closer to going around a cube and kissing a pagan stone according to Raihan.
00:09:05 These Muslims a happy because the think Chris is closer to their paganism.
00:10:15 When Muslims do dawah, they hide the pagan aspects of their beliefs.
00:11:15 Deuteronomy 13:1-5 Deals with their false prophet.
00:16:40 The Muslims control the challenge, so they will just reject every attempt.
00:18:25 Notice he said Jesus rather than Isa.
00:24:50 Chris is finally hitting back.
00:27:00 Chris is trying to show how Islam is hiding the uniqueness of Isa.
00:29:00 Our God wants to show us how the people on earth, relate to those in heaven.
00:30:45 Now Raihan is doing the fake "Quran is perfectly preserved" nonsense.
00:32:00 There are 10 official ways of reciting the Quran.
00:32:30 Now Raihan is laying down a smokescreen in front of Chris.
00:33:50 How does Raihan know that Muhammad did not make up the ahruf?
00:35:10 The Quran is Arabic only, but Raihan keeps on saying Jesus rather than Isa.
00:38:40 God has made it obvious that Islam is just Arabic paganism.

These Muslim dawah people at Speakers Corner love to speak to Chris, because they can see that he listens to what they say, so they then seemed to think that the magic of their paganistic words would seep into his head and convince him to join them in going around a cube and kissing their pagan black stone. Chris also seems to understand that they are looking at him as a soft target for their paganism, so he also tries to say some things against them, but he doesn't give the references for what he is bringing up, so they can obviously evade whatever he is saying.
The Muslims are using their usual tactic of talking and talking for ages, almost as if they are hoping that they can wear Chris out with their many words, because they know that he tends to listen a lot, but they didn't seem to realise that, Chris is obviously going to get used to how the Muslims operate and was just biding his time for when he was able to eventually get his point across. When Chris did finally get to speak for a while, the Muslims were having a hard time understanding his point, because they are too used to just reading off their standard screenplay and converting some dumb people into dumb Muslims with it, but Chris was explaining some things that were not a part of what they had memorised, so he definitely managed to slow them down at the end.

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