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There's definate differences between indica and sativa that are often times known by people. If your unfamiliar ill be discussing yhe characteristics of plants and bud structure of indica VS sativa.
I also want to apply this to Terpological DNA Protocol by describing the differences I've noted amoungst Hybrid Indica VS Sativa hybrid cannabis.
I also Wana touch on the significance of the trait of sativa pushing landrace expression into Indica hybrid profiles, like terpinolene dominance ocimene dominance, or at the least an enhancement of the significant bridge terpene Limonene.

Tap into the Terpothecary my e store where I sell Hemp Derived Terpene Infused Cannabis Bath Bombs. These have no THC as they're Hemp Derived, however even so, only the FDA is allowed to sell things relative to Hemp therapeutically. Ergo no online services will allow kento use theirnplatform for sales without lying about my product and that's not good for customer base trust.
So I sell on my private linktree page where you can safely order through linktrees secure networs attached to PayPal business account where I recieve my Terpothecary Business Funds. Very simple secure ordering (https:://) click 3 times,.select your size and aroma from 9 of my unique and original Aromatic therapeutic hemp derived terpene Infused Bath Bombs.
I use Myrcene and limonene as the 2 primary terpenes which I infuse into the produ t using a self created modified double boil dry infusion of aroma into the pink Himalayan Rock salt and Epsom salt. I also do a wet infusion on all the bath Bombs adding the select terpene isolates I choose to create various aromatic experiences added into the coconut oil. The myrcene and limonene are bith sesquiterpenes and act to proliferate aka help transport compounds, limonene is extensively used in the skin care industry for those therapeutic reasons.
I have a study on myrcene indicating its independent analgesic effect on lab rats injected subcutaneously with Beta myrcene. This is significant because Epsom salt, the main ingredient in my product is not a regular salt, it acts to penetrate muscele tissue effecti g the NACL potassium chloride channels, which is proliferated and helped along by limoneme pentratice ability and helping engage topical analgesic skin soothing and muscele reliving effect.
All bath Bombs I make posess this standard quality. Other benefits include for example, anti fungal properties for people with athletes foot and other issues which can be found in my oh So nice Ociemene filled blend, others are focused on the sweet grapes candy aromas like Grappel Very cakes.

Elevate Your SELF CARE, with Hemp Derived terpene Infused cannabis (hemp) terpene isolates.

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