Athens and Jerusalem

1 year ago

Today Mr. Moneyhon and Jonathan discuss the concept of "Athens and Jerusalem." Speaking also on the idea of a Classical Education, and why it is so important to do so!
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⁠Christian Kopf - The Devil Knows Latin⁠
⁠Carl Trueman - The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self⁠
⁠Homer - The Odyssey ⁠
⁠Dorothy Sayer - THe Lost Tools of Learning ⁠
⁠Douglas Wilson - Rediscovering the Lost Tools of Learning⁠
⁠Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations ⁠
⁠Francis Schaeffer - How Should We Then Live?⁠
⁠Peter Kreeft - The Journey ⁠
⁠Benjamin Wiker - 10 Books That Screwed Up The World⁠
⁠Anthony Esolen - The Politically Incorrect Guide To The West ⁠

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