14 min. Subliminal Child Behavior Clip (Who's Good?): Cartoons for small child

1 year ago

Note: While this video is considered "Family Friendly" it is not intended for children to independently watch. It, like the other videos provided on the channel, is for the parent to select, approve and provide for themselves or their child with their intents and needs. This video uses the science and theories behind subliminal suggestion therapy; it makes no claims, medical or otherwise as to results.
This video features 2 safe, public domain cartoons to draw your child's attention. While watching the subliminal audio track is geared to give suggestions to correct problems with attitude, respect, outbursts and provide beneficial traits.
Some of the phrases and verbal cadences are:
I want to behave
(Who's Good?)
It's important to my parents
(Who's Good?)
My parents always look after me
(Who's Good?)
I like being a good person
(Who's Good?)
I can be patient and wait my turn
(Who's Good?)
I will play nicely with other children and animals
(Who's Good?)
It's important to study in school
(Who's Good?)
I don't want to fight with others

You should play this 2 -3 times a day to imprint it into their mind.
Simply relax and listen to the sound. The child can lie down, play it in the background or listen during an activity. This subliminal has a trigger phrase you can say, during your day to the child that will bring the verbal instruction back mentally to them as reinforcement; it is in the ( * ) in the title.
Thank you, and please post in the comments how you use it and if it makes you and your day better. Please like, share & subscribe!

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