Bible Interpretation and the Rapture Q&A (1) | Jon Benzinger & Dr. Vlach | End Times Summer Series

1 year ago

Bible Interpretation and the Rapture Q&A (1) | Jon Benzinger & Dr. Vlach | End Times Summer Series

Dr. Vlach has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a Master of Divinity degree from The Master’s Seminary, and a PhD in Systematic Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Vlach was awarded the 2008 Franz Delitzsch Prize for his dissertation, “The Church as a Replacement of Israel: An Analysis of Supersessionism.”

Dr. Vlach taught at The Master’s Seminary for fifteen years where he served as Professor of Theology. While there he was Managing Editor of The Master’s Seminary Journal for nine years. Vlach also taught Philosophy and World Religions at Southeast Community College in Lincoln, Nebraska.

A regular conference speaker, Dr. Vlach has appeared on The History Channel. He is most known for his books, Has the Church Replaced Israel: A Theological Evaluation (B&H), and He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God (Lampion). Vlach also has contributed to several multi-author works.

BS University of Nebraska-Lincoln
MDiv The Master’s Seminary
PhD Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

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00:00 Introducing Dr. Vlach
00:46 How to interpret the Bible (major principles for Bible study)
03:09 Do you take Old Testament prophetic passages literally?
04:22 Is there a pattern?
05:12 Bible genres and hermeneutics
06:05 Letting the text speak for itself
07:25 New Testament priority idea
08:56 Clarity of Scripture
09:49 How the early church read the Bible
11:20 Greek philosophy influence
13:25 Are the 1000 years in Revelation 20 literal years?
14:46 What is Eschatology in Christianity?
16:14 Why we did this End Times Series
16:34 Do children and babies get raptured?
17:38 Did the early church believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?
20:09 Is it important to try to convince people of a certain Eschatalogical view?
21:36 Do the pastors hold to a pre-mil view of eschatology because they're Masters grads?
24:39 What happens to Christians who die before the rapture?
26:32 Do people who are raptured receive a resurrection body?
27:25 What is Preterism?
29:26 Why don't you hold to Preterism?
31:52 Why a pre-tribulation rapture?
36:14 Hard Bible verses for pre-tribulation rapture view
37:27 Is this a salvation issue?
40:37 Closing

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