"Breaking The Chain" Vol. 55 ~Mary's Testimony*

1 year ago

I promised Creator, that if I ever made it through childhood alive,
that I would stand and speak on behalf of those that are vulnerable
and too young to speak for themselves,
I promised to stand against these atrocities happening in America and being perpetuated by these Statanic Admini$trative Agencies which are forcing babies into slavery, foreign to America and American spirit of Law
Read the 7th Amendment,
Americans are under Civil Attack,
and every single civil case is an Act of Treason against the American People,
on Our soil, by way of these Foreign Agents of the Crown/Vatican.
Administrative Hearings and Administrative Reviews are the ceremonies
being performed in American Courthouses today, and is blaspheme to the spirit of Our written language of Our American Declaration of Independence and our Constitutions and Our Treaties signed with the First Nation's People's of this North American Continent,
and through Our Right of Self~Determination have the Right to Declare and Decree one's Standing
within the Republic
which still Stands, as the American People have never repealed them,
nor will We!
Rule of Law is Civil Law terminology,
In common law,
We have one law~ "Do no harm!"

Do not trespass!

"& To the Republic for which We stand!"

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