Your Emotions Dictate Your Genius Abilities Not Your IQ

1 year ago

We are soo excited to share with you this first taste into the transformational, real science and application of emotions.

Emotional mastery has been our favorite spiritual deep dive of the year. BY FAR. We’d even venture to say of all time.


It's with these foundational understandings that will lay the groundwork you need to stop your negative emotions from running your life when you need to be your most dialed in self.

What we’ve unearthed about emotions and the daily tools these finding has inspired have been game-changing for our students who have already gotten a chance to play with them. Talk about awesome aha moments and breakthroughs!

We want to start sharing these nuggets so you can experience those same shifts too.

If we can impart a life-changing idea to you today, your emotions are your greatest asset and the key to tapping into your unique genius.

Just realizing the massive potential you are sitting on that’s actually hardwired into your being can open a whole new trajectory of possibilities for you.

It’s a rabbit hole you won’t regret jumping down.

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