E01 What is Initiation, Magic and Cerimonial Magic

1 year ago

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Initiation is the essential first step in the realm of magic. It signifies the inner essence that compels students to pursue the Path of Knowledge with unwavering determination. This initial stage involves nurturing the divine light within, fostering consciousness and self-awareness, dedicated effort, and a degree of self-sacrifice. When the depths of the Inner Self are reached, a connection with the universal Power becomes possible, enriching all of humanity.

The concept of "mystery" holds significance in initiation, originating from ancient mystery cults and religions. Initiates are accepted into an inner circle, where teachings and rituals are meaningful only to those who share this profound experience. Initiation bestows a sense of status and belonging, accompanied by the revelation of divinely inspired wisdom. Candidates must prove themselves worthy before receiving the secrets and teachings of the tradition or current. The process unfolds gradually, with each step of the hierarchical ladder accompanied by additional initiation ceremonies and further study.

Initiation is a deeply fulfilling experience. Candidates entering the temple are in a heightened state of awareness, their senses heightened and energy flowing. The conscious decision to embark on the spiritual path brings forth a profound influx of energy. Some candidates have been moved to tears or experienced overwhelming joy during initiation ceremonies, attesting to the power of their choice to embark on this transformative journey.

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