Dark Cabal Tower Fail Energy Vlog

1 year ago

, Dark Cabal Tower Fail Energy Vlog title is from The date August 1, 20253, The month and the year give us a new base number of 15 the Devil card a month where the pesky devil will try to bedevil us. With the addition. of one we have #16 the Tower card a lightning strike causing the tower to fall. With the devil in the background we went with the dark cabal.
The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. the first was an amplitude power of 52 at 9:00 AM UTC, thus we have the Hermit hitching a ride on the Chariot to swiftly move toward his new goal. The last and biggest amplitude power of 57 at 10:20Am Utc. Thus we have the Empress gracefully addressing the Hanged man changed perspective as he make his voluntary sacrifice. The quality power was 8.50, thus we have
#13 the Death and rebirth card or transformation and transition. The frequency average was 7.86 hertz. Thus we have #21 the world or universe card, complietion and anew start. Taking it all in we have The Tower crumbling before our eyes as death befall some of us just before the dawning of a new world or a new earth

Space Weather News site shows us a Class M CME at ninety degrees w away. form us on the incoming limb of the Sun. The Solar wind density is 8 protons the wind speed is 420 (KPS). and the solar wind temperature is 10,000 kelvin. The K P Index of geomagnetic activity was in the green zone with the highest level was three.
The Sarge and Martin show was very interesting since they were talking about how the alliance was winning most of theri battles In space and deep underground .
Martin and Sarge rumble video:
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News ssite:

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