The New American TV | How the Inconvenient Tonga Volcano Eruption Is Warming the Planet

1 year ago

When the colossal Hunga-Tonga Hunga Ha’apai Volcano erupted, it spewed a massive amount of water vapor into the upper atmosphere. Though the eruption was the most powerful event of its kind since at least 1883, the climate socialists of the Democrat Party have completely and conveniently forgotten that it happened. They continue to insist that the Biden administration should declare a climate emergency because temperatures are warm in the United States this summer, and in their narrative, human activity is to blame. Even NASA admits that the big eruption at Tonga emitted a huge amount of water vapor into the atmosphere that “could end up temporarily warming the Earth’s surface.”

Also, despite years of shrieks from climate cultists that the polar ice caps are melting, recent reports suggest that’s not the case at all; and Hunter Biden’s former friend and business partner Devon Archer told members of the House Oversight Committee that Joe Biden was present at least 20 times when his son was wheeling and dealing with foreign nationals.

In the second half of the show, Selwyn Duke talks about the growing phenomenon of anti-white racism, and Christian Gomez and fellow John Birch Society researcher Peter Rykowski discuss an extreme misgendering bill that’s now in the California legislature.

Related resources:

Read Media Ignore NASA’s New Climate-change Culprit ( )

Download a free e-copy of The John Birch Society’s e-booklet Exposing Agenda 2030 ( )

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