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White Hats Military Arrest Dark Hats Military In New York State💂‍♀️🚨👨‍🚀🐝

White Hats on Sunday arrested a U.S. Army major and a command sergeant major who had pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden and were instructing subordinates on how to wage urban warfare against law-abiding citizens, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The disgraces to the uniform were Major David Dunbar and CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, the 10th Mountain Division’s staff officer and senior non-commissioned officer, respectively, at Fort Drum.

Our source did not detail the actual arrests but said they took place off post, after dark, on July 30.

A JAG affidavit reviewed by Real Raw News states that Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh recruited 250 10th Mountain Division soldiers into a “private army” whose mission was to suppress civil insurrection if Joseph Biden wins the 2024 presidential election, and details their nefarious plan to storm Trump supporters’ homes and seize their weapons at gunpoint. According to the affidavit, Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh recruited volunteers and conducted urban warfare drills behind Garrison Commander Col. Matthew R. Myer’s back.

Our source said White Hats presently have no evidence incriminating Myer. Nor does he know whether JAG will issue indictments on the 250 soldiers that participated in house-to-house search and seizure drills.

Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh, he added, enlisted only soldiers who said the 2020 election was equitable and legitimate, that Donald J. Trump caused January 6 and deserves imprisonment, and that the Biden administration is the lawful governing body of the United States. The soldiers also pledged allegiance to Joseph Biden instead of “…to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands…”

Somehow, Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh had financed a property rental, a 20-acre tract of cleared land about 15 miles west of Drum, on which they erected a “plywood town” to simulate attacks on American citizens. The soldiers were tutored on breaching doors, setting explosives, and killing Trump supporters. Their extracurricular training also included lessons on “where to shoot a Trump supporter for maximum effect,” our source said.

“They were told people who support Trump have tactical gear like body armor and to take headshots not center mass. They did live-fire exercises on mock targets,” he said.

Interestingly, the soldiers did not use military-issued weapons; they used personal weapons and ammunition bought from various firearms dealers in upstate New York, and improvised explosives such as Molotov Cocktails and nail bombs.

“The training revolved around a singular hatred for President Trump,” our source said.

After Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were arrested, White Hats demolished the plywood town and found brass—military slang for an ejected cartridge—scattered about the area.

We asked our source how Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh planned to wage war with only 250 troops in heavily Right-leaning upstate New York.

“That’s the million-dollar question. There may be more; these sects may be forming at other installations. Right now, we know about the 250.”

The 250, he added, included all enlisted ranks from privates to a first sergeant.

In closing, we again asked our source why White Hats hadn’t arrested everyone involved since their actions were treasonous and violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution.

“Look, there is an investigation. I can tell you we have to rule out psychological manipulation or chemical coercion. That’s all I can say right now.”

Before publishing this article, Real Raw News solicited comments from Fort Drum and the Watertown City Police Department. A Drum’s Public Affairs Office spokesperson said Dunbar and Mobarakzadeh were on “emergency leave,” and a Watertown sheriff’s deputy said the PD had no info on an off-post training facility.

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