Dr. Ben Carson & A Good Education

1 year ago

Certain principles and values propelled the United States, and many of its citizens, to the pinnacle of greatness and leadership. Are we drifting away from those standards as America ages and evolves? Are our lives too complicated or are we being dumbed down as a society?

With a broad brush, many people complain about educational standards. During such arguments, amazing public school districts are often overlooked or lumped in with those that struggle. I am the product of a very effective and dedicated public school district. Many of my relatives have served as teachers who proudly educated, taught, molded, and guided generations of students. However, some districts are failing in spite of the vast sums of tax money invested in them. These districts simply are not living up to our communal promise or expectations.

Dr. Ben Carson was once a struggling student in Detroit. His mother refused excuses and set strict standards that paid off in dramatic fashion.

Dr. Carson, who has called 'the city that reads' his home for decades, finds the situation in Baltimore city very distressing. National headlines were made recently when it was reported that zero students in dozens of Charm City schools were proficient at grade level. ZERO! What is the problem? How can Charm City mirror more successful districts?

Is the idea of public school ‘districts’ simply a modern-day version of ‘redlining’? Does a ‘district’ arbitrarily corral certain neighborhoods into perpetually substandard conditions while keeping young children from gaining a quality and relevant public education? OR, is it the neighborhood that keeps the child from gaining upward mobility? Are fear, crime, and community trauma in some areas overshadowing or crowding out opportunities for personal growth and quality education? Are Vo-Tech or vouchers the keys to bright futures for kids in Baltimore? How much does parenting, or lack thereof, effect the ability of educational professionals to teach and reach the next generation of great leaders? Many educators have their hands full (and even tied). What is the recipe for future success in America?

Dr. Ben Carson, famed neurosurgeon and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, graciously set aside some time to speak with me on May 15, 2023. The interview aired on Baltimore’s 680AM WCBM on May 21, 2023.

Dr. Carson’s ‘American Cornerstone Institute’ analyzes the challenges facing our nation today while also offering educational content. You can learn more at www.americancornerstone.org.

Thank you for listening. Have a great day.

Kevin Battle

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