Preserving DVDs/BDs and reducing their size | MakeMKV ripping & FFMPEG HEVC encoding

1 year ago

When you still buy DVDs or BluRays you might sometimes want to back them up or just have a digital copy to put on your phone for a long train ride.
In this video I show the process of ripping DVDs and BluRays with MakeMKV and then reduce their filesize by encoding them from H.264 to H.265 a.k.a. HEVC with FFMPEG. After testing some flags in FFMPEG I have found a command, which works well to both preserve video quality and reduce the filesize.
The DVD which I use in this video is the movie "Eden Log" and the BluRay I use is "Your Name" a.k.a. "Kimi no Na wa"

The command: ffmpeg -i {input} -c:v libx265 -crf 19 -x265-params bframes=8:psy-rd=1:aq-mode=3:aq-strength=0.8:deblock=1,1 -preset slow {output}

Please be aware, that you need FFMPEG installed for this to work. It is very likely not part of your OS

Links to everything:

▬▬ι══ Timestamps ══ι▬▬
0:00 - Intro
0:39 - MakeMKV
1:45 - FFMPEG Encode to HEVC
2:26 - Results
3:08 - Start of comparison screenshots

▬▬ι══ Contact ══ι▬▬
You can find / reach me at the following places:
Session: 05afb6f6e69bb240d6d78b06bec75531a5411d15eb2030bccaae96db4136848b35

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