While The Illusion Is Being Created, Zelensky Is Throwing Drones At Moscow

1 year ago

It was an illusion. Joe is the magic man. Hunter Biden sold Illusion of access to his father, says former business partner, Devon Archer, tells congress. The secret word of the day is illusion.
While the illusion is being created, Zelensky is throwing drones at Moscow. Russia is the world's largest nuclear threat. When we talk about Russia, we know that Russia does not have the ground game to fight a war. Putin is putting it out there that he will take the nukes out of Belarus. Instead of Ukraine focusing on a counteroffensive, they want to take the war to Moscow.
For years we have had conversations about Rosemont Capital with Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and John Kerry’s step son, Heinz. The Chinese used Rosemont Capital to buy properties in America. Now the lawmakers are wanting to stop the Chinese.
Our greatest national risk used to be one thing: our debt. Now the list is so long it is hard to keep up with, the indoctrination of our kids, the mutilation of our kids, our debt, Joe Biden in the White House, Zelensky is throwing drones at Moscow and we wonder when Putin will throw back with a nuclear strike. And the media can only focus on Donald Trump.
War is returning to Russia, Zelenskyy says after drone attacks… Why is this guy allowed to provoke Putin to a point of nuclear war and we continue to write checks to this guy? A real president would be sitting on the beach, he would be calling in the staff and demanding Zelenskyy to stand down. We know how corrupt Ukraine is. We watched Putin go across the border in Ukraine. Then we started sending checks in the billions of dollars to Ukraine.
You would think that the media would have opened up talking about the corruption of the Biden family but the opening was the grand jury scheduled to meet today in the Jan 6 probe. And the lead story is Carlos, Trump’s property manager makes first court appearance.

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