“Completely Safe!” - You Are More Likely to Die from Tylenol Than You Are From Ivermectin

1 year ago

• Its discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015
• Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, for having the greatest impact on human health
• Has brought river blindness to the brink of elimination
• Over 3.7B doses administered

Dr. Marik: “If you have a sick patient, [and] you have a drug that’s completely safe, a drug that is cheap, what in the heck have you got to lose by trying this drug?”

Full Interview: https://bit.ly/Paul-Marik

Read my articles: http://vigilantfox.substack.com

Discover what Pfizer & the FDA wanted to hide for 75 years: https://bit.ly/PfizerBook

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Take measures against shedding and the harms of spike protein with The Wellness Company's spike support formula: https://bit.ly/Spike-Support

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