Tired boxer argues with owner about bedtime

8 years ago

According to his owner, this argumentative boxer goes through the same routine every night. He's super tired but doesn't want to go to bed alone, so he tries his best to convince her that she should go to bed too.

This energetic pooch looks like he has all the time in the world, and decides to spend it arguing with mommy before bedtime! He's obviously not tired at all, so he does his best to convince mom not to go to bed at all! He's probably thinking that it's for the best to take a casual stroll in the park right before midnight. Can you guess what is he trying to say? Whatever he's saying, it's beyond adorable!

Isn't this video just amazing? We've all had those moments as kids when we did not want to go to bed and stay up late! This boxer really is just like us as kids! Soon he will realize that staying up late isn't all what it is cracked up to be and he won't care if his owner goes to bed or not! Either way, this video is really cute and adorable!

Surely this dog is tired from play with toys all day. If he ever runs out, more awesome dog toys can always be purchased online!

Do your pets do anything funny? Let us know in the comments!

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