DIY Home Decor Air Dry Clay Wall Hanging | Easy Clay Decor | Geometric Clay and Wood Wall Hanging

4 years ago

Hello everyone and welcome to my channel.

In todays video I will showing you how I have created two different DIY home decor wall hanging decorations made out of air dry clay. I love working with the clay so these two were such a fun for me to do.
Two different styles and designs. Cactus wall hanging perfect for plant lover, or someone who is not very good with the plants but still wants to have some greenery at the home LOL. Geometric wall hanging, clay combined with wood creates really nice and unique decorations. Adding few tassels at the bottom completes this whole piece. I really like them both but let me know in the comments section which one do you like more.

I have created a PLAYLIST with my other AIR DRY CLAY projects:

Thank you so much for watching and your support. Click the like button if you enjoy this video. See you next time!

Follow me and tag on Instagram if you want to share your projects.

#claywallhanging #airdryclaycreations #clayhomedecor

Products I use in this video or similar*:
air dry clay
mod podge

*Affiliate links can result in a small commission.

Clay creations inspired by West Perro and Fine Little Day.

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