Tribes of Light Spiritual Hypnotherapy with Lee McTainsh

1 year ago

Today we kōrero with Lee McTainsh about her spiritual hypnotherapy and energy healing business, InnerWorx Te Aroha, assisting souls on their awakening and healing journey.

We chat about current energies; embracing & exploring our shadow world as a necessary part of spiritual mahi; deep healing and trauma releasing (it's not all "love and light"); how working on oneself is the primary focus for lifting vibration as an individual and impacting the collective; establishing healthy boundaries with those around you to release trauma bonds, and as a necessary part of having self-respect and honouring yourself as a beautiful being worthy & deserving of love; undoing the conditioning installed during childhood; teaching our starseed children how to stand in their power, listening to their intuition, how to support their awakened state, instead of dimming their lights by passing on inherited matrix conditioning and patterns; the methods of manifestation through awareness of thoughts, words and feelings; being mindful of emotional reactions to your environmental mirror; addressing lack consciousness and scarcity mindsets; and taking ownership and radical responsibility for yourself and how you show up in the world. It's always a choice and it's all about mastering the awareness of what you're consciously choosing everyday.

As we continue on our collective ascension (expansion) path with Mother Earth, both Earthseeds & Starseeds will begin to practice living through the heart, following the calls of our intuitive knowings, pursuing the things we love, and shifting into the frequency of love, truth and authenticity. As our collective vibration rises we will unlock more of our DNA templates and access the gifts within, and we will learn what it means to be multidimensional, and part of a wider galactic family.

Ngā mihi StarSistar Lee. So grateful for your presence & wisdom.

If you'd like to know more about Lee's practice and to book a session to explore your incredible inner world, please use the link below:
Phone: 022 359 8100

Additional information on these types of spiritual hypnotherapy techniques can be found with Alba Weinmann (YouTube), and books written by Dolores Cannon.

Infinite Aroha & Gratitude,
Ripeka & Rianna

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