We need to "follow the money" to investigate the CCP-linked biolaboratory discovered in California

1 year ago

7/31/2023 【Aila on America with Jeremy Herrell】Aila: We need to "follow the money" to investigate the CCP-linked biolaboratory discovered in California. We must find out who established this laboratory, who funded it, its impact on public health, and how many scientists and doctors are involved. The CCP's creation of biological weapons is aimed at becoming the world's one and only superpower!
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/31/2023 【小飞象做客《美国与杰瑞米·赫雷尔》节目】小飞象:我们要“跟着钱走”,去调查在加州发现的中共生物实验室。要查清楚是谁开设了这家实验室,谁是金主,这家实验室对公众健康造成了何种影响以及有多少科学家和医生涉及此事。中共制造生化武器就是为了做世界老大!
#新中国联邦 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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